The Quebec diaries - by Ophelia
On my way to Quebec today!! So excited. The flight was four hours, I didn't even watch a movie. It took a long time. But it was fun and I enjoyed it for the most part. As much as a goat can enjoy an airplane flight. When we got there we were picked up and went to Gregoires (hot dog place or in French.... Uhh I don't know, someone ordered for us since we don't speak French) its very French here, being Quebec and all. After that off to the place we are staying at. It was a good day. Before bed we swam and watched TV.
August 6th 2014
Second day, woke up and ate breakfast. When humans friend woke up they ate carrot cake and went swimming. It was super fun, we found a ball to play with and did hand (or hoof)stands, and flips. That took up pretty much all day. Then we went to New York state! I am there now writing this. Human bought some stuff at a fair we went to and now there is a concert type thing. Talk to you steamy readers later. Hope you're having just as much fun as this steamy goat is.
We just walked around.. human spent lots of money. Apparently people here wear a lot of tie dye. Human got a tie dye sweater. It started pouring and we walked to the car. We went for ice cream and went back to Quebec home.
August 7th 2014
This morning is almost over and not much happened. Well one exciting thing happened I just have to tell you. Humans friends grandmother has a pug. She tries to take me this morning!! Luckily human saved me. What if she ate me!? She is very very hyper. Anyways, I will let you know what the day holds tonight. She took me again! Today was just a chill day, we just sat around and swam.
August 8th 2014
Another kind of chill day. Human and her friend cleaned the pool with the vaccum, it took ages. Eventually we let grandmother take over, she got sick of it too and put in the other automatic vacuum. It was a good day, and we swam today too.
August 9th 2014
I met another human, she was nice, we dipped our feet in the pool and had conversation.
Went to New York again for the fair, there was another concert. We just walked around again. Spent more money. The fair seems to be the place where it all goes. The vendors are really nice though, one even took Canadian money. It was great. Human bought some gifts for her friend and mother and it was good.
August 10th 2014
Went to the beach today, soaked in some rays, it was hot out. I've never been to a beach before today. It was so much fun, I like it a lot. We played in the water, tried (and horribly failed) some stunts and humans buried each other in sand, and played frisbee. It was fantastic. But lots of laughs, pizza for dinner then we went to Dunkin Donuts, human and her friend had never been before. They had Coolatas, strawberry and vanilla bean, both of them enjoyed their drinks. American portion sizes are huge, they got smalls but they were like Canadian mediums. But they were delicious. It was wondeful.
August 11th 2014
Today was so hot. The pool was up to 80 degrees Fahrenheit! It's usually at 75, humans helped move a table so grandmother could mow the lawn. We just had a chill day and watched television and played a game called Flow. A quite boring day I guess but tomorrow holds activity.
August 12 2014
Went to Leblanc for a hot dog lunch. Yumyum. We meet up with humans friends aunt and drove to Quebec city. Then we toured old Quebec and saw lots of beautiful old buildings, we went for dinner at some place and had some French thing that tasted like pizza. After we got a maple on ice and beaver tails, they aren't actually tails of beaver and they taste wonderful. Nomnom. Then souvenir shops we went to, human found something for her friend and it was a good day, with all that walking they were so tired when they got to the hotel they just went to bed.
August 13 2014.
Heya! Today we went to an amazing place that was gorgeous. It was called Parc Des Chutes De La Riviere Chaudiere. It was raining, but it wasn't too bad. It felt like parlour trying to get over all the rocks, and then we went to the suspension bridge and looked from a different view. It was weird to think we had been down there so close. It was a great feeling. Its still raining now, and we are getting timmys, not sure if we are going back to Huntingdon for spaghetti night or if we are going to the mall or somewhere else in Quebec, talk to you steamy readers later.
We went to spaghetti night, and it was delicious!! Worth not shopping 100% . It was amazing and then we went home and had some conversation, watched TV, now we are going to bed, night.
August 14 2014
It was humans sisters birthday today. She couldn't tell her Happy Birthday as she was at a camp and without a phone but that's okay, she will when she gets home. She shall greet her sister with a big hug and a happy birthday when she gets back home. c: Just another chill day, lots of texting and such. It was a wonderful day. More television then off to bed. Night readers!
August 15 2014
Last night, human killed a spider. How mean!! She saw it yesterday morning and I guess it was hard at work making webs all day and so she took down all of the webs. She was scared but that's no reason to kill the poor thing. Anyways, another chill day, seems to be a lot lately. But they're still good days. Still wonderful. And still full of late night television and then sleeping, something different today, human learned how to play 31 haha. Talk to you all tomorrow.
August 16 2014
Today we got up early, at 7:00 AM. A girl came to pick us up and we went to her daughter in laws grandmothers house. She owns this huge property that includes a forest. Human and her friend were talking about how amazing it would be to just bring a notebook and pen and just write in the forest, I agree. Its so gorgeous here, I didn't get any pictures of myself there but I will put a picture of the forest along with these entries. It was a good time and we munched on chips. After we went to the house and had fresh corn on the cob, watermelon, and pizza for lunch. After that we went to the girls house, they played 31 with quarters (Its a card game) it was fun, then they had more pizza for dinner, as they didn't have much for lunch. Humans friend jumped on the trampoline. It was a wonderful day. I hope yours was just as great.
August 17 2014
Today we ate toast for breakfast, leftovers for lunch and then at 1:00 we left the house off to Ontario for dinner. We went through the states, and stopped at a shopping centre, it was hilarious when grandmother said "Wow this mall is huge", human and her friend looked at one another and laughed because it was small in comparison to the malls where we live. It was one floor and most the stores were closed. Human bought a top and cardigan, and also an eraser for her little sister. It was more expensive then expected, whoops. After we went through the border again to Ontario, St. Huberts is where they went and had chicken, it was delicious as human said and chocolate lava cake for dinner was just wonderful. Yumyum. Then off to home. After that they went back home and human and friend played 31 outside, once it got to cold they came back in and played at the table. Then they found green lantern was on TV and watched some of it and then went to bed. It was a wonderful day.
August 18 2014
I've awoken to the same setting again. I just wrote up my diaries from yesterday and now I have nothing to do. I will update you on the days events, I think we are getting some rhubarb. This trip I learned rhubarb just doesn't want to die. Grandmother has run over the stuff with her lawn mower and it just grew again. Its crazy.
Turns out cutting rhubarb is super fun c: We played 31 and now we are watching television. I will update you later.
August 19 2014
Up at 5:30 AM ugh, I'm not a morning goat. Off to the airport I will update you there if I have time but if not then I will update you when I get home.
Finally home, its been a long flight and this goat is tired. Yummy dinner, hot tub and then sleep for this one. Hope your day and days afterward are wonderful. This goat is off to bed. Goodnight Steamy Readers, talk to you when I next do.