If you know of any contests, camps or other things I've missed - let me know and I'll post them.
Check out our new list of writing competitions, camps (WordsWorth - just saying - and Theatre camp, yeah, self promoting again), and conferences posted on our Contests and Markets page. You could be an international writing star or just wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. Seriously - there isn't many ways to make money as a writer so why not enter a contest. You know you want to.
If you know of any contests, camps or other things I've missed - let me know and I'll post them.
March 24 - 10 AM - 3 PM at the Central Library. No registration - just show up
- Free - Pizza lunch provided - bring a book to exchange - Learn from two great authors - Play with Reality Is Optional More info http://www.youthareawesome.com/write-now-opportunity-youth/ |
EditorKim Firmston is the director (read slave) of RIO and the only adult in the group. To see her troubled mind, visit her website http://www.kimfirmston.com/ Archives
April 2015