RIO's March E-Zine
Love and Fan Fiction
(done so, so badly)
News from FRANCE by Dylan Curle
One of our intrepid RIOites has planted himself in France for two months on a student exchange. He has agreed to send reports to us during this time - but only in French. Here is his first - enjoy.
Je suis arrivé en France il y a deux semaines. Je parle français comme une vache espagnole. Toute la nourriture est fabriquée par Carrefour. La toilette n'est pas dans la même salle comme la salle de bain. La nourriture est très bonne. Les verres sont très petites. J'espère que cet français est bien. S'il n'est pas bien, c'est la faute à moi. Jusqu'à présent, la France est très belle.
And here is his second.
Quatre semaines dans l'échange, et je pense que je peux comprendre un peu de parlé français enfin. Les conjugaisons sont très difficile encore (quelle est la différence entre l'imparfait et le passé composé?). La journée scolaire est dix heures - 08h00 au 18h00; et on a beaucoup de devoirs. Heureusement, l'emploi du temps a beaucoup de classes de rechange, et parfois on peut sortir le lycée à 16h00 ou 17h00, et tous les mercredis on finit à midi. Quand on ne fait pas nos devoirs, on fait de l'aviron, qui est pour trois heures par jour et sept jours par semaine pour mon correspondant mais juste deux jours par semaine pour moi. J'espère que cela et la natation tous les dimanches peuvent m'éloigner les kilos en trop de la bonne nourriture française. Étonnamment, il n'y a rien aux stéréotypes français. Tout le monde est très gentille et je suis m'amuser.
Je suis arrivé en France il y a deux semaines. Je parle français comme une vache espagnole. Toute la nourriture est fabriquée par Carrefour. La toilette n'est pas dans la même salle comme la salle de bain. La nourriture est très bonne. Les verres sont très petites. J'espère que cet français est bien. S'il n'est pas bien, c'est la faute à moi. Jusqu'à présent, la France est très belle.
And here is his second.
Quatre semaines dans l'échange, et je pense que je peux comprendre un peu de parlé français enfin. Les conjugaisons sont très difficile encore (quelle est la différence entre l'imparfait et le passé composé?). La journée scolaire est dix heures - 08h00 au 18h00; et on a beaucoup de devoirs. Heureusement, l'emploi du temps a beaucoup de classes de rechange, et parfois on peut sortir le lycée à 16h00 ou 17h00, et tous les mercredis on finit à midi. Quand on ne fait pas nos devoirs, on fait de l'aviron, qui est pour trois heures par jour et sept jours par semaine pour mon correspondant mais juste deux jours par semaine pour moi. J'espère que cela et la natation tous les dimanches peuvent m'éloigner les kilos en trop de la bonne nourriture française. Étonnamment, il n'y a rien aux stéréotypes français. Tout le monde est très gentille et je suis m'amuser.
RIO Presents really bad
Micro Mini Romance Novels
You have been warned
Love and Ninjas by Andrew Finch
This epic took years to make. It has it all, ninjas, romance, explosions, motorcycles, six packs, action, etc. If you do not enjoy this you are dead inside.
Robustio and Laura sat on the blue checkered picnic blanket, staring into each other's eyes enjoying each other's company as they fed each other grapes. They sat together in the sun, looking out at the grassy green fields of the beautiful park.
"Aah, Robustio..." Laura said with a sigh as she leaned against Robustio's firm six packed chest. "Isn't this perfect?"
"yes, it is perfect" Robustio said in his manly deep voice as he put his arms around his true love. His eyes narrowed.
"A little too perfect in fact."
Suddenly an army of ninjas leaped out of the perfectly trimmed foliage, emitting battle cries as they unsheathed their swords. Robustio stood in front of Laura,
"Don't worry, Laura! I'll protect you!" He said with a perfect smile. He beat up all the ninjas. Then he made out with Laura, jumped on a nearby motorcycle, and rode off into the sunset as everything exploded behind him.
OR DID IT? (dun, dun, dunnnn!)
(it did)
This is a book. it has much suspense. Like, too much suspense. But that's okay, because this book is awesome anyways.
Robustio and Laura sat on the blue checkered picnic blanket, staring into each other's eyes enjoying each other's company as they fed each other grapes. They sat together in the sun, looking out at the grassy green fields of the beautiful park.
"Aah, Robustio..." Laura said with a sigh as she leaned against Robustio's firm six packed chest. "Isn't this perfect?"
"yes, it is perfect" Robustio said in his manly deep voice as he put his arms around his true love. His eyes narrowed.
"A little too perfect in fact."
Suddenly an army of ninjas leaped out of the perfectly trimmed foliage, emitting battle cries as they unsheathed their swords. Robustio stood in front of Laura,
"Don't worry, Laura! I'll protect you!" He said with a perfect smile. He beat up all the ninjas. Then he made out with Laura, jumped on a nearby motorcycle, and rode off into the sunset as everything exploded behind him.
OR DID IT? (dun, dun, dunnnn!)
(it did)
This is a book. it has much suspense. Like, too much suspense. But that's okay, because this book is awesome anyways.
Love in the Fast Lane by Teighan Jones
Copyright ironic publishing
In memory of Nic Cage
+ Knuckles
Sonic was going real fast. He had ti get there in on time. Weaving through buildings, relying on his super powers of running really really fast, all he knew was that he had to make it on time. Sonic checked his watch seeing he wasn't that lat. He finally reached to patch of secluded trees where sonic was going to meet Obama.
But the president wasn't there.
The two of them has met upon a building, drinking juice boxes as they watched the sunset. Obama gazed into Sonic's gross connected eyes, feeling his spines. The two leaned in. Before the two could meet, Obama was no longer there. Sonic looked up and gasped, watching as his love was pulled away by the treacherous Bill Clinton.
Sonic burst in to the building hoping to finally see Obama. After looking for so long, he was so disappointed to see Obama not alone, but with Bill Clinton. Slowly lowering the correct president into a pit of lava shark electric snake bears.
"Bill Clinton, you fiend!" Sonic shouted, getting into a battle stance and pointing a finger at him. "You are WAY too slow@" and with that, the blue hedge hog ran really fast.
"Sonic, No! Obama warned.
"You're. Too. Slow." Sonic shouted louder, eyes burning with fury.
"Sonic, it's a trap!"
"You Fool!: Bill Clinton cried. laughing evilly. "I've set out a swarm of bees! A hedgehog's worst enemy!"
"Nooooo!" Obama shouted, struggling to reach Sonic but the bees had already descended.
"I have won." Bill Clinton announced triumphantly.
"Now I'll show you!"Sonic shouted from within the bees blasting them off with the power of speed.
"What?" Bill Clinton shouted as Sonic launched himself at Obama taking the president in his arms. The two took off through the wall, into the sunset.
In memory of Nic Cage
+ Knuckles
Sonic was going real fast. He had ti get there in on time. Weaving through buildings, relying on his super powers of running really really fast, all he knew was that he had to make it on time. Sonic checked his watch seeing he wasn't that lat. He finally reached to patch of secluded trees where sonic was going to meet Obama.
But the president wasn't there.
The two of them has met upon a building, drinking juice boxes as they watched the sunset. Obama gazed into Sonic's gross connected eyes, feeling his spines. The two leaned in. Before the two could meet, Obama was no longer there. Sonic looked up and gasped, watching as his love was pulled away by the treacherous Bill Clinton.
Sonic burst in to the building hoping to finally see Obama. After looking for so long, he was so disappointed to see Obama not alone, but with Bill Clinton. Slowly lowering the correct president into a pit of lava shark electric snake bears.
"Bill Clinton, you fiend!" Sonic shouted, getting into a battle stance and pointing a finger at him. "You are WAY too slow@" and with that, the blue hedge hog ran really fast.
"Sonic, No! Obama warned.
"You're. Too. Slow." Sonic shouted louder, eyes burning with fury.
"Sonic, it's a trap!"
"You Fool!: Bill Clinton cried. laughing evilly. "I've set out a swarm of bees! A hedgehog's worst enemy!"
"Nooooo!" Obama shouted, struggling to reach Sonic but the bees had already descended.
"I have won." Bill Clinton announced triumphantly.
"Now I'll show you!"Sonic shouted from within the bees blasting them off with the power of speed.
"What?" Bill Clinton shouted as Sonic launched himself at Obama taking the president in his arms. The two took off through the wall, into the sunset.
Intelligence Unrequired by Alexis Kelly
Copyright 2015
THE COMPANY publishing
Other credits and stuff
Dedicated to: That internet thing that taught me how to write romance. You are greatly appreciated.
The Characters
*Mia - the lady
*Filipé - beautiful man
* Fabio - enemy, also gorgeous.
Mia sits in the empty field surrounded by desolation. Her long hair blows in the wind as she watches the sunset. Tears well in her blue eyes as she thinks of everything and nothing at the same time. She hears galloping in the distance and looks back.
He gallops fast on the path, searching desperately for a lady to call his own. Filipé is his name and his magnificent beard on his caramel face is one of his top features. He rips open his shirt, revealing his glossy chest, chestnut hair blowing in the out-of- character wind.
Filipé arrives to the lady Mia and she looks at him, gasping in surprise. Then Fabio shows up. The men look at one another, both desperate for the lady. She looks at the men trying to decide which one is the best match for her. Filipé is gorgeous, but Fabio has a mature edge to him.
"She will be mine," Fabio yells, pulling out his sword.
In response, Filipé pulls out his sword. Mia clings to the dirt. Afraid to see what will become of the next few moments . . .
"Now we my dialogue!" Filipé said.
"Yes. I was waiting to unleash the extent of my mighty voice," Fabio responds.
"Oh wait, does this mean we can't action?" Filipé asks.
"Blast! WHAT DO WE DO?" Fabio yells.
"I suppose this battle has now become one of words," Filipé retorts.
"Oh whatever," Fabio says.
"Woo me." Mia's angelic voice fills the earth.
"I shall and I must, " Fabio states.
"Let me start. Mia, oh Mia, be mine my love," Filipé says.
"Weak," Fabio spits. "Your lack of verbal skill disgusts me. Mia, my intellectual ability far outweighs this man of chest hair and mustache. Far and wide I have searched for a lady and your beautiful proportions make me fall for you as well as your enticing silent attitude. Fabio explains.
"What's enticing mean?" Mia says, dumbfounded.
"You're . . . you ARE kidding - right? Well, I guess my intellectual ability isn't required," Fabio states.
"This man makes me feel stupid," Filipé says.
"Because you are," Fabio says.
"Uh . . ." Filipé replies.
"I'm done. You two are idiots. Goodbye. At least I don't expose my monkey chest . . ." Fabio says. Fabio begins to ride away on his horse and leaves Filipé and Mia be.
"Oh, Filipé, I chose you!" Mia says.
"YOU DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE," Fabio yells as he disappears into the distance.
Filipé and Mia fall desperately in love and live happily ever after.
The story of a romance between a man and a woman. Love happens.
"AAAAH" - Goat Reviews.
"Riveting." - N/A Reviews.
"An amazing story. Left me feeling feelings." - New York Reviews.
"A masterpiece." - Everyone Ever Reviews.
THE COMPANY publishing
Other credits and stuff
Dedicated to: That internet thing that taught me how to write romance. You are greatly appreciated.
The Characters
*Mia - the lady
*Filipé - beautiful man
* Fabio - enemy, also gorgeous.
Mia sits in the empty field surrounded by desolation. Her long hair blows in the wind as she watches the sunset. Tears well in her blue eyes as she thinks of everything and nothing at the same time. She hears galloping in the distance and looks back.
He gallops fast on the path, searching desperately for a lady to call his own. Filipé is his name and his magnificent beard on his caramel face is one of his top features. He rips open his shirt, revealing his glossy chest, chestnut hair blowing in the out-of- character wind.
Filipé arrives to the lady Mia and she looks at him, gasping in surprise. Then Fabio shows up. The men look at one another, both desperate for the lady. She looks at the men trying to decide which one is the best match for her. Filipé is gorgeous, but Fabio has a mature edge to him.
"She will be mine," Fabio yells, pulling out his sword.
In response, Filipé pulls out his sword. Mia clings to the dirt. Afraid to see what will become of the next few moments . . .
"Now we my dialogue!" Filipé said.
"Yes. I was waiting to unleash the extent of my mighty voice," Fabio responds.
"Oh wait, does this mean we can't action?" Filipé asks.
"Blast! WHAT DO WE DO?" Fabio yells.
"I suppose this battle has now become one of words," Filipé retorts.
"Oh whatever," Fabio says.
"Woo me." Mia's angelic voice fills the earth.
"I shall and I must, " Fabio states.
"Let me start. Mia, oh Mia, be mine my love," Filipé says.
"Weak," Fabio spits. "Your lack of verbal skill disgusts me. Mia, my intellectual ability far outweighs this man of chest hair and mustache. Far and wide I have searched for a lady and your beautiful proportions make me fall for you as well as your enticing silent attitude. Fabio explains.
"What's enticing mean?" Mia says, dumbfounded.
"You're . . . you ARE kidding - right? Well, I guess my intellectual ability isn't required," Fabio states.
"This man makes me feel stupid," Filipé says.
"Because you are," Fabio says.
"Uh . . ." Filipé replies.
"I'm done. You two are idiots. Goodbye. At least I don't expose my monkey chest . . ." Fabio says. Fabio begins to ride away on his horse and leaves Filipé and Mia be.
"Oh, Filipé, I chose you!" Mia says.
"YOU DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE," Fabio yells as he disappears into the distance.
Filipé and Mia fall desperately in love and live happily ever after.
The story of a romance between a man and a woman. Love happens.
"AAAAH" - Goat Reviews.
"Riveting." - N/A Reviews.
"An amazing story. Left me feeling feelings." - New York Reviews.
"A masterpiece." - Everyone Ever Reviews.
Sparky Sparky Boom Man by Mary Innes (language warning)
An Order of Vengence by Thomas Finch
Dedicated to my most adoring fans.
He flew down the path, his glowing locks blowing in the wind. His heart set on his one true love.
The evil Queen Eviloptilopolis had take his one love from him.
"My fair princess Jasmine! I will save you!" His unicorn gallops down the path whinnying in defiance. "Steady, Point," he cries, raising his sward. His chest hair, blowing in the breeze, he pulls his mighty steed to a halt, the evil castle of McDonald's is before him. He gallops forward, his eyes set upon the topmost tower. The prison in which his fair jasmine is held. He gallops through the courtyard, his unicorn leaping over the moat and through the double doors. "I would like to place an order," Prince Fabio cries, "OF VENGEANCE!" His steel flashes and the guards fall to the ground. He leaps off his steed and dashes up to the topmost tower. "My dear Jasmine. I have come to save you!" he cries.
"Oh Fabio!" she cries, leaping into his arms.
"No need to cry," he says, his chiseled face glowing in the torchlight.
But then, suddenly, Queen Eviloptilopolis bursts through the door. "You've reached the end of the nugget!" she cries.
"But that's what you don't realize. I always cut down the carbs," he cries, leaping through the window, landing upon his rose dragon and flying into the sunset.
"Umm . . . you forgot me," Princess Jasmine says, confused.
"He's not very bright is he?" Queen Eviloptilopolis says.
"Yeah," Princess Jasmine replies.
He flew down the path, his glowing locks blowing in the wind. His heart set on his one true love.
The evil Queen Eviloptilopolis had take his one love from him.
"My fair princess Jasmine! I will save you!" His unicorn gallops down the path whinnying in defiance. "Steady, Point," he cries, raising his sward. His chest hair, blowing in the breeze, he pulls his mighty steed to a halt, the evil castle of McDonald's is before him. He gallops forward, his eyes set upon the topmost tower. The prison in which his fair jasmine is held. He gallops through the courtyard, his unicorn leaping over the moat and through the double doors. "I would like to place an order," Prince Fabio cries, "OF VENGEANCE!" His steel flashes and the guards fall to the ground. He leaps off his steed and dashes up to the topmost tower. "My dear Jasmine. I have come to save you!" he cries.
"Oh Fabio!" she cries, leaping into his arms.
"No need to cry," he says, his chiseled face glowing in the torchlight.
But then, suddenly, Queen Eviloptilopolis bursts through the door. "You've reached the end of the nugget!" she cries.
"But that's what you don't realize. I always cut down the carbs," he cries, leaping through the window, landing upon his rose dragon and flying into the sunset.
"Umm . . . you forgot me," Princess Jasmine says, confused.
"He's not very bright is he?" Queen Eviloptilopolis says.
"Yeah," Princess Jasmine replies.
A Mess by Dubsy (mature content)
Dave Strider's Adventure with Homosexuality (mature content)
by Emily Firmston
There he stood, tall, stereotypical blond, hella buff. Dam. So hot. I almost let my shades slipoff. Apparently this piece of ass is called Swavé. Who even names their kid something like that?
I mean really? Swavé? Come on. How many crappy names need to happen until we get a friggin law or some shit. It's like calling your kid, "Sexy." Like really. Yes, hello! This is my kid sexy. He's definitely a ladies man! Wow. I'm lucky to be called Dave.
Oh man. There he goes again. Friggin hoooot. Damn you Swavé. Making the likes of a cool guy like me drool. How does he manage this? Ugh.
I mean really? Swavé? Come on. How many crappy names need to happen until we get a friggin law or some shit. It's like calling your kid, "Sexy." Like really. Yes, hello! This is my kid sexy. He's definitely a ladies man! Wow. I'm lucky to be called Dave.
Oh man. There he goes again. Friggin hoooot. Damn you Swavé. Making the likes of a cool guy like me drool. How does he manage this? Ugh.

Aww damn. He's looking at me. Act cool. Act cool. He speaks in a smooth as hell voice.
"Well hello there, Mr. Strider."
"You. What's cool?" Damn it! I screwed up so hard right there.
"You seem flustered. What is the problem?"
"Er. . . nothing. I'm still cool. Just as cool as ever. Damn, do you think there's any apple juice round here? I'm dying."
He smoothly whips out a bottle of the god's elixir.
"Will this do?"
"Y-yeah. Thanks bro."
He pins me against the hella conveniently placed tree. "I did buy it just for you."
ROSE: What are you doing with my notebook?
ROSE: Dave?
ROSE: Dave?!
ROSE: I wish I knew.
"Well hello there, Mr. Strider."
"You. What's cool?" Damn it! I screwed up so hard right there.
"You seem flustered. What is the problem?"
"Er. . . nothing. I'm still cool. Just as cool as ever. Damn, do you think there's any apple juice round here? I'm dying."
He smoothly whips out a bottle of the god's elixir.
"Will this do?"
"Y-yeah. Thanks bro."
He pins me against the hella conveniently placed tree. "I did buy it just for you."
ROSE: What are you doing with my notebook?
ROSE: Dave?
ROSE: Dave?!
ROSE: I wish I knew.
Done even worse than the Romance
Seriously, why are you still here?
and yes - we're doing this on purpose (don't panic - we actually do know how to write).
Doctor Who Fan Fiction by George Doerksen
I tumbled out of my cot, waking up before I hit the floor. It was only six and no one else in the orphanage dorm was up yet. Everything else was quiet, interrupted by a grating whoosh. Looking out the window into the back alley, there was a large blue box with a flashy light on it.
"The hell is this?" I muttered, and I cranked open the window. I clambered down the rusty drain pipe. The noise stopped, and I yanked the door on the big blue box.
Inside, there was a man with a goofy suit, a bow tie, and a quiff sitting at a big console. "How did you get in here? Why aren't you asking about the size of the TARDIS? Who are you?" he shouted, jumping up from his chair.
"I opened the door. I'm Charles Ronaldo, it's a dumb name, and I haven't asked about the size because of your dumb bow tie."
"Ahem. The bow tie is cool," he responded.
"What's all the fuss?"
I spun to see who had spoken, and I saw one of the prettiest women I had seen, but that wasn't saying much having lived in a boys' orphanage for 16 years.
"Oh. Hi!" I said, quickly emblazoning a friendly smile on my face. Suddenly, a pang of pain hit me. "Aaargh!" I yelled. Then the pain was gone. "Wait, this is a TARDIS. You are the Doctor. You . . . I don't know you, and I . . . don't know how I know this." Suddenly I was back to normal, and was very concerned my faded jeans and old t-shirt were looking up to an acceptable social standard, or at least up to the woman's standard.
"The hell is this?" I muttered, and I cranked open the window. I clambered down the rusty drain pipe. The noise stopped, and I yanked the door on the big blue box.
Inside, there was a man with a goofy suit, a bow tie, and a quiff sitting at a big console. "How did you get in here? Why aren't you asking about the size of the TARDIS? Who are you?" he shouted, jumping up from his chair.
"I opened the door. I'm Charles Ronaldo, it's a dumb name, and I haven't asked about the size because of your dumb bow tie."
"Ahem. The bow tie is cool," he responded.
"What's all the fuss?"
I spun to see who had spoken, and I saw one of the prettiest women I had seen, but that wasn't saying much having lived in a boys' orphanage for 16 years.
"Oh. Hi!" I said, quickly emblazoning a friendly smile on my face. Suddenly, a pang of pain hit me. "Aaargh!" I yelled. Then the pain was gone. "Wait, this is a TARDIS. You are the Doctor. You . . . I don't know you, and I . . . don't know how I know this." Suddenly I was back to normal, and was very concerned my faded jeans and old t-shirt were looking up to an acceptable social standard, or at least up to the woman's standard.
Harry Potter Fan Fiction by Delaney Nicole

i stepped in2 the great hall. I turned 2ward the slytherin table. I look over @ dulio. Ever the he is Draco's child. That horrible Draco. I smille twirling my hair. That dumb sorting hat put us in different houses. Ugh. I would use my mind control, but i want dis to be real. Other people sit near me mostly 1st 2nd 3rd & 4th years cuz of that train attack during thy 1st year. That's wer I learned about mind control. Ugh. Having a year room to yourself ain't that bad. #Only Slytherin #5th year #...yum!Food!
After launch, I go to classs and then I "axidentali" sit naxt to Dulio. "hi yummy. he said
"Hay m8!" I replayed w/ a smale.
After launch, I go to classs and then I "axidentali" sit naxt to Dulio. "hi yummy. he said
"Hay m8!" I replayed w/ a smale.
Walking Dead Fan Fiction by Anonymous
My name is sam mark sarn and I am a seviver. I have bean fiting the zombees for 2 years now. I think a time when I happy with ride peeps but it hus dropped in to my thinkings. Me and my fellows have been #trapped 4 like wht feelz like centuries. Attacked every by thousands of zombees and I eat them. THe other servivers are all hurt so it's me protect all people.
"Please, Sarn," the pretty Ms. Sais "OK" I say and jump out the window and runz at the zumbies #we win. we get the cure. and win
"Please, Sarn," the pretty Ms. Sais "OK" I say and jump out the window and runz at the zumbies #we win. we get the cure. and win
Five Nights of Freddy's Fan Fiction by Aimee Clarke
Main Character: Princess Neko Kawaii Wolf Angel LOL Girl (follow me on Instagram)
Gender: Female (Horrible Abomination)
Appearance: (Follow me on Instagram)
Human: See above
Animatronic: See below
Personality: Kind, sweet, powerful, fast, strong, dark side.
History: Created to be awesome, she obtained her shape-shifting powers from heaven when she died once, how she's a god and foxy's girlfriend.
Other: Original Character DO NOT STEEEEELLLL!
Gender: Female (Horrible Abomination)
Appearance: (Follow me on Instagram)
Human: See above
Animatronic: See below
Personality: Kind, sweet, powerful, fast, strong, dark side.
History: Created to be awesome, she obtained her shape-shifting powers from heaven when she died once, how she's a god and foxy's girlfriend.
Other: Original Character DO NOT STEEEEELLLL!
Senyu Fan Fiction by Emily Firmston

I sigh as Ross-Kun continues to stab his best friend, Alba. It remids me of my supur tragic backstory. Sugai!!!! Ahh! Suddenly zmbies com out of the ground! Ross-Kun runs over theprotects me with his sugoi sward. After the huge battle he gets down on a nee and pulls out a ring.
Time skip because sugoi neko-chan!!! LOL!!!
Time skip because sugoi neko-chan!!! LOL!!!
Five Nights of Freddy's Fan Fiction by Keagan Longson

Security guard skill
Went to Freddy`s as a child.
Favourite animatronic was Toy Freddy!
(he thinks Toy Freddy is cute :)
Security guard skill
Went to Freddy`s as a child.
Favourite animatronic was Toy Freddy!
(he thinks Toy Freddy is cute :)
Barbie Fan Fiction by Alexis Kelly

Character Name: N/A
OP Skillz: Stopping time
Tragic back story: Family killed in the apocalypse.
Setting: Barbies' Dream House
OP Skillz: Stopping time
Tragic back story: Family killed in the apocalypse.
Setting: Barbies' Dream House