For the Year Called Hoshi
Here at Reality Is Optional we care about your future and every year we prevent the apocalypse by naming every year. So instead of having the apocalypse of 2019 we have the year Hoshi - and have you ever heard of an apocalypse prediction for Hoshi? No! Neither have I. To date we have prevented over 10 apocalyptic episodes on planet Earth. You are welcome. We love you and that is why we will continue to provide this free service. Have a Happy New Hoshi!
Somnolence by Krysia Denys
A state of strong desire for sleep, or sleeping for unusually long periods of time.
When sleeping beauty lay down to sleep
the prince came to see her
kissed her awake
and promptly lost some teeth
For what she desired was no man
Not someone to hold her
Not a life companion
But something beyond
A hundred years of sleep
would not be enough
to say goodbye to the lover she sees
only in her dreams
When the sky changes to night
She excapes her daytime king
And gives up her fight
against the somnolence
One day we will convince her to stay
The prince will be left alone
To search out new maidens
whose will is to be rescued and taken away
But the one who sleeps
may finally receive
a full and sufficent
thousand winks.
A state of strong desire for sleep, or sleeping for unusually long periods of time.
When sleeping beauty lay down to sleep
the prince came to see her
kissed her awake
and promptly lost some teeth
For what she desired was no man
Not someone to hold her
Not a life companion
But something beyond
A hundred years of sleep
would not be enough
to say goodbye to the lover she sees
only in her dreams
When the sky changes to night
She excapes her daytime king
And gives up her fight
against the somnolence
One day we will convince her to stay
The prince will be left alone
To search out new maidens
whose will is to be rescued and taken away
But the one who sleeps
may finally receive
a full and sufficent
thousand winks.

You must change your life.
"Stop it! You can't destroy all my memories! Leave all that stuff alone!!"
If you feel dirty, insignificant, and unloved then cats are a good role model. They exist without permission, they have no respect for the hierarchy of society.
"We have no intention of erasing ALL your memories."
Dr. Lugosi put the functional magnet on the backlit screen, a glowing representation of consciousness with red and yellow patches lit up. A three-dimensional model to determine which sections were inexpensive enough for common use.
"Hm," the doctor said, through the wad of gum. "No gross tumors - but something strange in your temporal lobe."
"What's that?" Luke asked.
"The retention of facts." Lugosi spat his gum into a biohazard-display wastebasket. "There's actual a section missing."
"Stop it! You can't destroy all my memories! Leave all that stuff alone!!"
If you feel dirty, insignificant, and unloved then cats are a good role model. They exist without permission, they have no respect for the hierarchy of society.
"We have no intention of erasing ALL your memories."
Dr. Lugosi put the functional magnet on the backlit screen, a glowing representation of consciousness with red and yellow patches lit up. A three-dimensional model to determine which sections were inexpensive enough for common use.
"Hm," the doctor said, through the wad of gum. "No gross tumors - but something strange in your temporal lobe."
"What's that?" Luke asked.
"The retention of facts." Lugosi spat his gum into a biohazard-display wastebasket. "There's actual a section missing."
What is at the Bottom of my Cereal Box?
by Lane
This morning I had cereal. I looked at the bottom and I saw a . . . BAM! A goat had knocked me back. I went back to look in the box but just before I got to the box the goat grabbed my clothes and started to tear them. And a yeti started chasing after you. No, it's not that bad. Wheee! I mean if a yeti was chasing you, you of course would be yelling wheee as you ran. Well back to the goat. A goat ripping my clothes off. I got away from the goat. Well I thought, I took care of the goat, but it turns out the goat was married to a hotty. A hotty hot dog.
"Hey, Wanna hot dog?" you yell, coming back.
Hey look on the bright side, at least you didn't die. "Hey, I want a hot dog!" I reply
When we finally get to the hot dog place you find out that the goat is there too. The goat attacks! Finally I just am done with this goat and I use my fighting skills on the goat and . . . kill the goat.
The end . . . I still don't know what's at the bottom of my cereal box.
"Hey, Wanna hot dog?" you yell, coming back.
Hey look on the bright side, at least you didn't die. "Hey, I want a hot dog!" I reply
When we finally get to the hot dog place you find out that the goat is there too. The goat attacks! Finally I just am done with this goat and I use my fighting skills on the goat and . . . kill the goat.
The end . . . I still don't know what's at the bottom of my cereal box.
What Has This Villain Done With My Hair?
by Cormac
Today I woke up and my mom was yelling at my sister telling her to do her hair and I thought "Hmm maybe I should do my hair." So I went to the washroom. My hair was so squiggly and swaglly the comb would just get stuck. I got so angry. I broke the comb BANG! and said doing my hair is harder than I thought. What if I didn't have hair? Boo! When I was thinking I didn't realize a man was behind me. The man said BOO! I screamed "Help! Help!" And he stole my hair and ran away. I said, "I need to save my stupid hair!" And he stuck his tongue out at me. And so I chased him out the door and his mark fell on the ground and it said his initials were H.J. and it also said his address. Oh crap! He's my neighbor. That was really helpful now I could sneak into his house to get my hair. And the next morning I was so excited because today I was going to get my hair back. I opened my window and was about to risk my life to save my hair. I jumped and caught myself on the other side. And then I crawled in and got my hair, risked my life again, and got home to glue my hair back on!
The End
The End
by Peter Doerksen
I am great at my job. What is my job you may be asking? I inspect sidewalk cracks. It is an exhilirating way to spend my day. While inspecting a particularly suspicious crack, a glimmer far within the sidwalk caught my eye. I eld my head close to the crack.
"Why was 6 afraid of 7?" whispered a spooky voice from deep within the sidewalk.
I looked left and right for anyone else who may have heard that. No one was near. I was completely by myself for at least a block.
"Well, you punk. Why was 6 afraid of 7?" the voice repeated in an intimidating way.
On my clipboard I recorded this incident.
"I have no clue, " I finally responded.
The sidewalk crack rumbled and opened super wide revealing a massive dark cavern beneath full of spooky-looking anthropomorphic numbers.
My dad used to tell me never to talk to anthropomorphic numbers but I already did. If my dad was here he would give me a time out until adulthood. Remembering this advice I grabbed my clipboard and booked it with unparalleled speed, but the number 6 followed me close behind.
SPLOOOSH! Butt tons of sweat was cascading down my face like a tsunami. I was flabbergasted to realize the number 6 was catching up to me.
"Why am I so afraid of 7?" He shouted menacingly.
I knew the answer deep down but I couldn't remember due to the immense stress.
At this point both the 6 and I were starting to wade through my sweat. We were about knee deep now.
"I'll ask one more time before I resort to EXTREME VIOLENCE! Why was 6 afraid of 7?"
I still didn't know. Someone left their sailboat out in their yard so I jumped in and it floated quickly and elegantly through my sweat.
The sun peeked from behind a cloud just as I was ahead. My sweat began to evaporat at a surreal pace. The HMS Boat scraped to a halt on the pavement. As I desperately scrambled to get out of the boat, 6 put on a burst of speed. My eyeballs popped out of my sockets in a metaphorical sense when I saw how close 6 had gotten.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I yelled.
"Yes. I mean no," yelled 6. Tears started rolling down 6's 'eyes'. 6 Stopped to wipe them away wich was my opportunity to run and boy did I run! I hitched a ride by grabbing hold of the tail of a nearby Flying Monkey. I was carried far away from my troubles. A big grin spread across my face. We left 6 in the dust, or so it seemed.
I lookd back on the weeping excuse for a number. 6's sadness had turned to rage as he pulled a manhole cover off the street and hurled it at the Flying Monkey. It cut through its tail. I plummeted to the ground with such force I almost splattered. 6, now furious, put its foot on my throat and said, "You better tell me why 6 was afraid of 7."
Finally it occurred to me. "Because 6 is stupid!" I exclaimed with joy.
This sould sestroying insult did wonders for me. It's sheer insulting power caused 6 to have a heart attack. 6 fell over grabbing its chest and wheezing.
"All in a day's work," I said to my self and left 6 there to die.
"Why was 6 afraid of 7?" whispered a spooky voice from deep within the sidewalk.
I looked left and right for anyone else who may have heard that. No one was near. I was completely by myself for at least a block.
"Well, you punk. Why was 6 afraid of 7?" the voice repeated in an intimidating way.
On my clipboard I recorded this incident.
"I have no clue, " I finally responded.
The sidewalk crack rumbled and opened super wide revealing a massive dark cavern beneath full of spooky-looking anthropomorphic numbers.
My dad used to tell me never to talk to anthropomorphic numbers but I already did. If my dad was here he would give me a time out until adulthood. Remembering this advice I grabbed my clipboard and booked it with unparalleled speed, but the number 6 followed me close behind.
SPLOOOSH! Butt tons of sweat was cascading down my face like a tsunami. I was flabbergasted to realize the number 6 was catching up to me.
"Why am I so afraid of 7?" He shouted menacingly.
I knew the answer deep down but I couldn't remember due to the immense stress.
At this point both the 6 and I were starting to wade through my sweat. We were about knee deep now.
"I'll ask one more time before I resort to EXTREME VIOLENCE! Why was 6 afraid of 7?"
I still didn't know. Someone left their sailboat out in their yard so I jumped in and it floated quickly and elegantly through my sweat.
The sun peeked from behind a cloud just as I was ahead. My sweat began to evaporat at a surreal pace. The HMS Boat scraped to a halt on the pavement. As I desperately scrambled to get out of the boat, 6 put on a burst of speed. My eyeballs popped out of my sockets in a metaphorical sense when I saw how close 6 had gotten.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I yelled.
"Yes. I mean no," yelled 6. Tears started rolling down 6's 'eyes'. 6 Stopped to wipe them away wich was my opportunity to run and boy did I run! I hitched a ride by grabbing hold of the tail of a nearby Flying Monkey. I was carried far away from my troubles. A big grin spread across my face. We left 6 in the dust, or so it seemed.
I lookd back on the weeping excuse for a number. 6's sadness had turned to rage as he pulled a manhole cover off the street and hurled it at the Flying Monkey. It cut through its tail. I plummeted to the ground with such force I almost splattered. 6, now furious, put its foot on my throat and said, "You better tell me why 6 was afraid of 7."
Finally it occurred to me. "Because 6 is stupid!" I exclaimed with joy.
This sould sestroying insult did wonders for me. It's sheer insulting power caused 6 to have a heart attack. 6 fell over grabbing its chest and wheezing.
"All in a day's work," I said to my self and left 6 there to die.
by Lina Kat
You know, when I walked out of my front door this moring, I wasn't expecting to get stabbed in the side. And now I'm in the hospital in pain, because I was stabbed . . . Lookong back on it, it didn't hurt as much as I expected. I mean, it still hurt, like a lot, but not as much as I thought.
Beep, Beep, Beep
Beeeeeep ------
Beeeeeep ------
Beep, Beep, Beep
"She's stable."
It's been about a month, and I'm finally able to leave this place. Not that I don't love lying in a bed not being able to do anything, but it's definitely more enjoyable being able to walk. However, there's one thing stuck on my mind . . . who stabbed me in the first place?
Honk Honk!
The truck screeches to a halt just after I dive out of the way. "Well, (pant pant), that was close." I wobble to a stand and the truck driver steps out.
"Oh Lord! Are you okay miss?" I'm awful sorry! I didn't see ya!"
"Oh no, it's okay. I was the one not paying attention."
When I was young, my best friend's house burnt down in the middle of the night, she was the only one that made it. She had so much trouble dealing with it, but no matter what, she kept smiling. She inspired me. Thanks to her, I have a much more positive outlook on the world, and that's what has kept me going all this time.
Well . . . turns out smiling can't get you through every situation. After the truck incident, I got home to find the lock on my door completely destroyed.
Someone was inside my house.
They noticed me and turned around. "Well, you are quite resilient aren't you?"
"Who are you?"
He laughed, "You see . . ."
"My hobbies include kicking butt . . ." My gold fish spoke up, "and giving away vital information."
I couldn't even speak. My fish had never spoken before.
"He's your brother!"
"Oh come on man, I've been planning this out for months, but you just had to go and ruin it, didn't you?" the man yelled.
I spoke up in pure confusion. "Wait a second, what the hell is happening here?"
"Oh my god . . ." the man growled. "As the fish said, I am your brother. You see it all started when I was born, good ol' Mommy and Daddy decided that they wanted a girl, so you know what they did? They treated me like garbage! That is until you were born, after that they through me out on the street. After all, they had you now. No need for little old me. But since they're already dead. I just have to get my revenge on you instead." He laughed evilly.
"Wait, wait, wait, what? First of all you have some messed up parents and second, my parents are still alive. You have the wrong person!"
" . . . Are you sure?"
"Pretty sure I'd know if my parents died." All they excitement drained from his face, and was replaced with sadness.
"You know what? Why don't you sit down. I'll make us some tea."
" . . . yeah . . .okay . . . thanks."
The end
Beep, Beep, Beep
Beeeeeep ------
Beeeeeep ------
Beep, Beep, Beep
"She's stable."
It's been about a month, and I'm finally able to leave this place. Not that I don't love lying in a bed not being able to do anything, but it's definitely more enjoyable being able to walk. However, there's one thing stuck on my mind . . . who stabbed me in the first place?
Honk Honk!
The truck screeches to a halt just after I dive out of the way. "Well, (pant pant), that was close." I wobble to a stand and the truck driver steps out.
"Oh Lord! Are you okay miss?" I'm awful sorry! I didn't see ya!"
"Oh no, it's okay. I was the one not paying attention."
When I was young, my best friend's house burnt down in the middle of the night, she was the only one that made it. She had so much trouble dealing with it, but no matter what, she kept smiling. She inspired me. Thanks to her, I have a much more positive outlook on the world, and that's what has kept me going all this time.
Well . . . turns out smiling can't get you through every situation. After the truck incident, I got home to find the lock on my door completely destroyed.
Someone was inside my house.
They noticed me and turned around. "Well, you are quite resilient aren't you?"
"Who are you?"
He laughed, "You see . . ."
"My hobbies include kicking butt . . ." My gold fish spoke up, "and giving away vital information."
I couldn't even speak. My fish had never spoken before.
"He's your brother!"
"Oh come on man, I've been planning this out for months, but you just had to go and ruin it, didn't you?" the man yelled.
I spoke up in pure confusion. "Wait a second, what the hell is happening here?"
"Oh my god . . ." the man growled. "As the fish said, I am your brother. You see it all started when I was born, good ol' Mommy and Daddy decided that they wanted a girl, so you know what they did? They treated me like garbage! That is until you were born, after that they through me out on the street. After all, they had you now. No need for little old me. But since they're already dead. I just have to get my revenge on you instead." He laughed evilly.
"Wait, wait, wait, what? First of all you have some messed up parents and second, my parents are still alive. You have the wrong person!"
" . . . Are you sure?"
"Pretty sure I'd know if my parents died." All they excitement drained from his face, and was replaced with sadness.
"You know what? Why don't you sit down. I'll make us some tea."
" . . . yeah . . .okay . . . thanks."
The end
by George Doerksen
"Oh no! I've lost it! We`re doomed!` I wailed in anguish.
"Don't worry, man. We`ll find . . . uhh . . . the thing," said my dog. "Like did you check under the fridge?"
Filled with hope that it might be there, I jumped up from the couch. Under the fridge, instead of the thing, was a strange purple crevasse. My dog, Yeet, barked out of curiosity and of curiosity and unplugged the fridge, before I pulled it away from the wall and gazed into the hole in the floor.
Under the floor, I had a field. As Yeet and I descended through the gap. I could see a goat in the distance grazing on purple grass. Yeet ran towards the goat, barking wildly. I tried to catch up, running frantically. As I came over the hill gasping for breath, I saw a giant statue on the other side. Yeet was waiting, tail wagging, while the goat was long gone. The statue was of a giant ladybug in a baseball cap. All around it, goats and ladybugs were gathered.
Yeet and I walked towards the statue. The thing had always had a picture of a ladybug on it. maybe they were connected? I knew it was important to get the thing back. It held everything together. Even if Yeet didn't quite see its significance, I remembered finding the thing and I could tell, as soon as I saw it, "Wow this is something important."
An ear-splitting shriek filled the air. Behind me, a giant storm of birds filled the air , racing towards me, a giant storm of birds filled the air racing towards me and the statue. Yeet broke into a sprint, with me right behind him. We ran to the statue and pushed past all the creatures outside, and up a stone ramp straight into the statue head. Instantly, the noise began to quiet.
It wasn't too grim. This dimension was less bad that the other one I had been to when I first got the thing I almost died fighting the skull-gnome-gun-monsters, as Yeet had eloquently named them. I just had to find the thing, probably in here somewhere and Whabam! Done! The statue was immense inside and I marveled as we walked down a giant hallway away from the mouth.
It was looking girm. In the distance, I could see a glow. Could it be the thing? But in between me and my ticket home was a colossal swarming beehive, with towers of bees the size of skyscrapers. Yeet wimpered nervously. I slowly began o walk through the streets, trying to ignore the millions of insects buzzing all around. Yeet followed close to my feet. After what felt like an hour, we seemed little closer to the glow of the thing. I could sense Yeet beginning to panic.
"Bepis tastes like Pepsi," boomed a voice from a question mark on the street. Yeet jumped at the noise and a bee zipped towards him, stinging him. "Yikes," he barked, before running away the way we had come. Maybe its better he go somewhere less stressful. Yeet doesn't deserve all the tension I go through. I walked on, towards the light. It was getting closer now, I could tell. Suddenly, it was far above me and I was at the foot of a towering pedestal. I sighed and began to climb.
Halfway up the climb, my arms were starting to burn. I kept going, because I had to. If I gave up, everything would become terrible. When I finally reached the top, I felt a surge of hope. There, right in front of me, was the thing. This tape machine of supreme significance, of necessity. But as I reached for it, I heard a buzzing grow again. Coming from the hives was an enormous swarm of angry bees. Ahead of me, was a sheer icy slope, out of the sky. I had no escape! I scrambled towards the ramp, trying to climb with no success.
Suddenly. I heard a bark. Yeet leapt from the nearest beehive, with a sled in tow. He landed on the pedestal, and I grabbed the thing and jumped into the sled. Yeet charged towards the icy ramp and raced up it into the sky. As he touched down, I looked around. We were back in reality with the thing. I stood up and untied the sled from Yeet and we walked home.
The End
"Don't worry, man. We`ll find . . . uhh . . . the thing," said my dog. "Like did you check under the fridge?"
Filled with hope that it might be there, I jumped up from the couch. Under the fridge, instead of the thing, was a strange purple crevasse. My dog, Yeet, barked out of curiosity and of curiosity and unplugged the fridge, before I pulled it away from the wall and gazed into the hole in the floor.
Under the floor, I had a field. As Yeet and I descended through the gap. I could see a goat in the distance grazing on purple grass. Yeet ran towards the goat, barking wildly. I tried to catch up, running frantically. As I came over the hill gasping for breath, I saw a giant statue on the other side. Yeet was waiting, tail wagging, while the goat was long gone. The statue was of a giant ladybug in a baseball cap. All around it, goats and ladybugs were gathered.
Yeet and I walked towards the statue. The thing had always had a picture of a ladybug on it. maybe they were connected? I knew it was important to get the thing back. It held everything together. Even if Yeet didn't quite see its significance, I remembered finding the thing and I could tell, as soon as I saw it, "Wow this is something important."
An ear-splitting shriek filled the air. Behind me, a giant storm of birds filled the air , racing towards me, a giant storm of birds filled the air racing towards me and the statue. Yeet broke into a sprint, with me right behind him. We ran to the statue and pushed past all the creatures outside, and up a stone ramp straight into the statue head. Instantly, the noise began to quiet.
It wasn't too grim. This dimension was less bad that the other one I had been to when I first got the thing I almost died fighting the skull-gnome-gun-monsters, as Yeet had eloquently named them. I just had to find the thing, probably in here somewhere and Whabam! Done! The statue was immense inside and I marveled as we walked down a giant hallway away from the mouth.
It was looking girm. In the distance, I could see a glow. Could it be the thing? But in between me and my ticket home was a colossal swarming beehive, with towers of bees the size of skyscrapers. Yeet wimpered nervously. I slowly began o walk through the streets, trying to ignore the millions of insects buzzing all around. Yeet followed close to my feet. After what felt like an hour, we seemed little closer to the glow of the thing. I could sense Yeet beginning to panic.
"Bepis tastes like Pepsi," boomed a voice from a question mark on the street. Yeet jumped at the noise and a bee zipped towards him, stinging him. "Yikes," he barked, before running away the way we had come. Maybe its better he go somewhere less stressful. Yeet doesn't deserve all the tension I go through. I walked on, towards the light. It was getting closer now, I could tell. Suddenly, it was far above me and I was at the foot of a towering pedestal. I sighed and began to climb.
Halfway up the climb, my arms were starting to burn. I kept going, because I had to. If I gave up, everything would become terrible. When I finally reached the top, I felt a surge of hope. There, right in front of me, was the thing. This tape machine of supreme significance, of necessity. But as I reached for it, I heard a buzzing grow again. Coming from the hives was an enormous swarm of angry bees. Ahead of me, was a sheer icy slope, out of the sky. I had no escape! I scrambled towards the ramp, trying to climb with no success.
Suddenly. I heard a bark. Yeet leapt from the nearest beehive, with a sled in tow. He landed on the pedestal, and I grabbed the thing and jumped into the sled. Yeet charged towards the icy ramp and raced up it into the sky. As he touched down, I looked around. We were back in reality with the thing. I stood up and untied the sled from Yeet and we walked home.
The End
September 700 AD
By Jamie Yawnie
Have you ever wanted to visit the blood-curdling island of Never-Ever-Land? You won't be coming back, but I guarantee it is the best place to spend the remainder of of eternity.
Our delicacies include rotting pancreas, horse stomach acid, feline whiskers, goose bills, and you!
Our travel spots include the Never-Ending Exit, the Bookless Library, Hospital Island, Spaghetti Cemetery, and inside your body.
Come for the unique animals - the blabbering, Victorian-esque, Canada geese, the chanting cats and dogs, the ravenous vampire seagulls, moving graves, and angry mobs of nonsensical, crazed fairy tale characters such as Snowless and Prince Harming.
Let's hope we don't see any of those nasty *Bentips from Forever-ever Island.
*Bentip - an incredibly helpful person who steps into your life and selflessly helps you at the time you need it most.
September 700 AD
By Jamie Yawnie
Have you ever wanted to visit the blood-curdling island of Never-Ever-Land? You won't be coming back, but I guarantee it is the best place to spend the remainder of of eternity.
Our delicacies include rotting pancreas, horse stomach acid, feline whiskers, goose bills, and you!
Our travel spots include the Never-Ending Exit, the Bookless Library, Hospital Island, Spaghetti Cemetery, and inside your body.
Come for the unique animals - the blabbering, Victorian-esque, Canada geese, the chanting cats and dogs, the ravenous vampire seagulls, moving graves, and angry mobs of nonsensical, crazed fairy tale characters such as Snowless and Prince Harming.
Let's hope we don't see any of those nasty *Bentips from Forever-ever Island.
*Bentip - an incredibly helpful person who steps into your life and selflessly helps you at the time you need it most.
by Krysia Denys
1) Buy a portable oxygen tank at you local scuba diving store. Ensure it is narrow enough to store in a school locker (ie: no thicker that 5 cm across, ideally).
2) Purchase rations of canned food, water bottles, beef jerky strips, saltine crackers, and milk in your cheapest grocery store (or raid a food bank, whichever, your conscience allows). Ask a friend to borrow their locker for a year.
3) (The milk spoils and keeps intruders away)
4) Now you'll be okay at school when the apocalypse occurs.
5) In the meantime, some advice:
2) Purchase rations of canned food, water bottles, beef jerky strips, saltine crackers, and milk in your cheapest grocery store (or raid a food bank, whichever, your conscience allows). Ask a friend to borrow their locker for a year.
3) (The milk spoils and keeps intruders away)
4) Now you'll be okay at school when the apocalypse occurs.
5) In the meantime, some advice:
- make friends, with the librarian & caretaker
- Form a spare (you may need to make a classroom)
by Enzo
You need to build a machine that connects all the times together. You cannot change the past but you can change the future. You need to know the exactly time that you wanna go.

Swimmingly Good Times - by the Novelmancers
Fortunately she realized it was Sunday.
Unfortunately she remembered she just missed swimming practice.
Fortunately she hated swimming and decided to go skateboarding instead.
Unfortunately, on her aimless skateboard ride around the city, she rolled right by her livid coach sitting on a bench.
Fortunately, she accidently crashed into her coach causing him to go unconscious without knowing it was her.
Unfortunately, the rest of the swim team witnessed her lame attempt at skateboarding.
Fortunately she really hated them anyways and went about the rest of her day, not caring.
Unfortunately her teammates called the police on her for "drowning" the coach.
Fortunately their story was so ludicrous they didn't believe the swimmers and swim team was canceled due to the coach's injuries.
Unfortunately the guilt of what she had done haunted her for the rest of her life.
Fortunately she realized it was Sunday.
Unfortunately she remembered she just missed swimming practice.
Fortunately she hated swimming and decided to go skateboarding instead.
Unfortunately, on her aimless skateboard ride around the city, she rolled right by her livid coach sitting on a bench.
Fortunately, she accidently crashed into her coach causing him to go unconscious without knowing it was her.
Unfortunately, the rest of the swim team witnessed her lame attempt at skateboarding.
Fortunately she really hated them anyways and went about the rest of her day, not caring.
Unfortunately her teammates called the police on her for "drowning" the coach.
Fortunately their story was so ludicrous they didn't believe the swimmers and swim team was canceled due to the coach's injuries.
Unfortunately the guilt of what she had done haunted her for the rest of her life.
Novelmancer NaNoWriMo Write In
Single Dad by the Novelmancers
Fortunately there were crackers in the pantry.
Unfortunately, the crackers were old and moldy.
Fortunately, there was still some food money in the fire place.
Unfortunately, it was all burnt because someone turned on the fireplace.
Fortunately, Santa fell out of the fireplace.
Unfortunately there was a fire and he too was incinerated.
Fortunately he bag of gifts and fun theings could be saved.
Unfortunately the bag was protected by a magical seal preventing ebings other than Santa from opening it.
Fortunately it could be ripped open with some scissors.
Unfortunately this set off a magic bomb
Fortunately the single dad had no need for crackers in the underworld.
Fortunately there were crackers in the pantry.
Unfortunately, the crackers were old and moldy.
Fortunately, there was still some food money in the fire place.
Unfortunately, it was all burnt because someone turned on the fireplace.
Fortunately, Santa fell out of the fireplace.
Unfortunately there was a fire and he too was incinerated.
Fortunately he bag of gifts and fun theings could be saved.
Unfortunately the bag was protected by a magical seal preventing ebings other than Santa from opening it.
Fortunately it could be ripped open with some scissors.
Unfortunately this set off a magic bomb
Fortunately the single dad had no need for crackers in the underworld.
Feature by Krysia Denys
First . distinct aspect - feature of the landscape (bruise coloured mountains).
Second . facial feature - her greatest feature was her shark smile.
Third . in music - an artist in rare collaboration, causing a sensation in the nation.
Fourth . in visual arts - the pinnacle of composition achieved by the careful juxtaposition of features.
Fifth . in gardening - a single rose or flowering bush to balance the canvas we walk.
Sixth . in human body - what we normally don't see, like that birthmark on his shoulder or a crowning jewel looking lovely. A touchable, lovable feature.
Seventh . in poetry - what you snap for, featured, featuring, featureless, feature.
First . distinct aspect - feature of the landscape (bruise coloured mountains).
Second . facial feature - her greatest feature was her shark smile.
Third . in music - an artist in rare collaboration, causing a sensation in the nation.
Fourth . in visual arts - the pinnacle of composition achieved by the careful juxtaposition of features.
Fifth . in gardening - a single rose or flowering bush to balance the canvas we walk.
Sixth . in human body - what we normally don't see, like that birthmark on his shoulder or a crowning jewel looking lovely. A touchable, lovable feature.
Seventh . in poetry - what you snap for, featured, featuring, featureless, feature.
Over the Abyss by George Doerksen
Copyright 2018 George Doerksen
Edited by George Doerksen
Published by Reality Is Optional publishing company
Not Available in the Library of Congress.
Chapter One
Agatha and Eldon sharpened their weapons above the spitting fires of Mr. Tempest. The bodies of defeated fire-creatures lay around them, quickly disintegrating into ash and embers. Finally Elden hammered a piton into the stone summit, tied a rope to it, and began to descend, towards the boiling infernal lava, and the home of their arch foe, the monstrous wyrm, Mammon Infernus, armor clanking against the smooth hearthstone.
Chapter Two
Eldon landed far below the summit on a small rocky landing. Agatha was just landing as he crept into a cave dug out of the maountain’s inside. “So Agatha” he began, “This is just about it. So help me out, and if you see a little gold amulet on one of these fiends, let me know, ‘kay?” Agatha nodded and murmured her agreement, then lunged forward and grabbed Eldon’s shoulder, pulling him back as his pervious footing crumbled to rubble dropping into the lava far below. From out of the new crevasse, came a swarm of rocky, lava formed infernal humanoids.
Chapter 3
As Agatha cut through the lava-demons with her silver sword, she thought about the first time she had found them. They had swarmed through her country, destroying and incinerating farms, towns, and people. By the time her rebels drove them out, the nation was a smoldering wasteland. Suddenly she felt something burn her shoulder. One of the monsters had grabbed her. As it pulled her towards the lava, she felt something fly past her face, and one of Eldon’s sling bullets smashed into the creature’s head. Agatha spun around and kicked it into the abyss, before driving her swaord into the chest of the final monster.
Chapter 4
“Wahahaha! I saved your life back there!” Eldon boasted as Agatha hammered another piton into the rock. Once the rope was attached, Agatha began to climb down. Below them was a lake of lava with a tiny rocky island in the centre. They could feel the heat from even far above the molten rocks. At the bottom, Agatha dropped off the rope onto the black rock. Just as the legend had told, it was slowly drifting towards an ominous gate carved into the shape of a roaring dragon’s mouth, with Agatha and Eldon as passengers. “You know,” Eldon muttered, suddenly serious, “I dunno if we’re both making it outta here.
Chapter Five
As the rocky raft drifted through the gate, creatures reached up out of the lava, trying to sink the stone. Agatha asked Eldon, as she clubbed a demon with her shield, “So why are you looking for that amulet you were talking about?”
“Well it was me Mam and Pap’s, but it got stole at the beginnin’ of this whole debacle.” Suddenly the rock shook. It had landed, in front of the colossal serpent, scales as red as fire. Mammon. The humans watched as it spoke.
“For many weeks I have slept poorly, filled with fear of you tow. I know you could never hurt me, but my nightmares continue. The only way I shall have peace is with yoru deaths!” It’s booming voice was deafening to behold.
Chapter Six
Mammon’s fiery breath washed over Agatha’s shield with her and Eldon huddled behind it. As Mammon reared up to strike, Agatha loosed a volley of automatic arrows, each finding their mark in its treat. Mammon came crashing down pinning Agatha under its mighty talon Eldon slashed desperately at the claw with his sword, but the mighty dragon’s tail swatted him aside. With all her might, Agatha pushed the talon up and plunged her knife into it. Mammon released he, clutching his talon. His tail swished pulling Eldon up towards his vicious maw of razor-teeth and throwing him in.
Chapter Seven
Eldon held onto Mammon’s upper jaw desperately, as the teeth shined and gnashed beneath him. Agatha drew her shining spear and charged up the dragon’s arm, leaving a bloody gash in her path. As she climbed onto Mammon’s back, its tail swatted at her, viciously trying to remove her. As she ducked under the second swing it coiled around her, holding her in its grasp. Mammon slowly brought its tail around. “I must say,” Mammon thundered, “you are the strongest humans I have ever fought. But this is the end.” Its eyes glinted murderously as it prepared to launch another blast of flame.
Chapter Eight
Eldon swung forward into Mammon’s mouth, holding onto one of its many rows of teeth. As Mammon closed his mouth to bite him, Agatha saw the steel glint of Eldon’s sword. Suddenly, Mammon roared in pain, and swayed uncoordinatedly. Its head crashed to the floor and its tail relaxed, dropping Agatha to the ground in a heap. Agatha ran towards Mammon’s mouth and tried to pry it open, but it was locked in a death grip. Suddenly the dragon’s mighty body burst into white hot flames, leaving only a small pile of ash and two skeletons, one small one, its mouth run through by its teeth.
Chapter Nine
Agatha stood in the burning sunshine as Eldon’s skull ws lowered into its grave. As the priest read out the last ceremony and placed the wreath on the gravestone. Agatha walked to Eldon’s family. While she had never met them, they were crying the most, and they had certain family resemblance. Quietly she passed them the amulet Eldon had been searching for. “Mammon had it. I’m sorry,” she said before walking away.
Copyright 2018 George Doerksen
Edited by George Doerksen
Published by Reality Is Optional publishing company
Not Available in the Library of Congress.
Chapter One
Agatha and Eldon sharpened their weapons above the spitting fires of Mr. Tempest. The bodies of defeated fire-creatures lay around them, quickly disintegrating into ash and embers. Finally Elden hammered a piton into the stone summit, tied a rope to it, and began to descend, towards the boiling infernal lava, and the home of their arch foe, the monstrous wyrm, Mammon Infernus, armor clanking against the smooth hearthstone.
Chapter Two
Eldon landed far below the summit on a small rocky landing. Agatha was just landing as he crept into a cave dug out of the maountain’s inside. “So Agatha” he began, “This is just about it. So help me out, and if you see a little gold amulet on one of these fiends, let me know, ‘kay?” Agatha nodded and murmured her agreement, then lunged forward and grabbed Eldon’s shoulder, pulling him back as his pervious footing crumbled to rubble dropping into the lava far below. From out of the new crevasse, came a swarm of rocky, lava formed infernal humanoids.
Chapter 3
As Agatha cut through the lava-demons with her silver sword, she thought about the first time she had found them. They had swarmed through her country, destroying and incinerating farms, towns, and people. By the time her rebels drove them out, the nation was a smoldering wasteland. Suddenly she felt something burn her shoulder. One of the monsters had grabbed her. As it pulled her towards the lava, she felt something fly past her face, and one of Eldon’s sling bullets smashed into the creature’s head. Agatha spun around and kicked it into the abyss, before driving her swaord into the chest of the final monster.
Chapter 4
“Wahahaha! I saved your life back there!” Eldon boasted as Agatha hammered another piton into the rock. Once the rope was attached, Agatha began to climb down. Below them was a lake of lava with a tiny rocky island in the centre. They could feel the heat from even far above the molten rocks. At the bottom, Agatha dropped off the rope onto the black rock. Just as the legend had told, it was slowly drifting towards an ominous gate carved into the shape of a roaring dragon’s mouth, with Agatha and Eldon as passengers. “You know,” Eldon muttered, suddenly serious, “I dunno if we’re both making it outta here.
Chapter Five
As the rocky raft drifted through the gate, creatures reached up out of the lava, trying to sink the stone. Agatha asked Eldon, as she clubbed a demon with her shield, “So why are you looking for that amulet you were talking about?”
“Well it was me Mam and Pap’s, but it got stole at the beginnin’ of this whole debacle.” Suddenly the rock shook. It had landed, in front of the colossal serpent, scales as red as fire. Mammon. The humans watched as it spoke.
“For many weeks I have slept poorly, filled with fear of you tow. I know you could never hurt me, but my nightmares continue. The only way I shall have peace is with yoru deaths!” It’s booming voice was deafening to behold.
Chapter Six
Mammon’s fiery breath washed over Agatha’s shield with her and Eldon huddled behind it. As Mammon reared up to strike, Agatha loosed a volley of automatic arrows, each finding their mark in its treat. Mammon came crashing down pinning Agatha under its mighty talon Eldon slashed desperately at the claw with his sword, but the mighty dragon’s tail swatted him aside. With all her might, Agatha pushed the talon up and plunged her knife into it. Mammon released he, clutching his talon. His tail swished pulling Eldon up towards his vicious maw of razor-teeth and throwing him in.
Chapter Seven
Eldon held onto Mammon’s upper jaw desperately, as the teeth shined and gnashed beneath him. Agatha drew her shining spear and charged up the dragon’s arm, leaving a bloody gash in her path. As she climbed onto Mammon’s back, its tail swatted at her, viciously trying to remove her. As she ducked under the second swing it coiled around her, holding her in its grasp. Mammon slowly brought its tail around. “I must say,” Mammon thundered, “you are the strongest humans I have ever fought. But this is the end.” Its eyes glinted murderously as it prepared to launch another blast of flame.
Chapter Eight
Eldon swung forward into Mammon’s mouth, holding onto one of its many rows of teeth. As Mammon closed his mouth to bite him, Agatha saw the steel glint of Eldon’s sword. Suddenly, Mammon roared in pain, and swayed uncoordinatedly. Its head crashed to the floor and its tail relaxed, dropping Agatha to the ground in a heap. Agatha ran towards Mammon’s mouth and tried to pry it open, but it was locked in a death grip. Suddenly the dragon’s mighty body burst into white hot flames, leaving only a small pile of ash and two skeletons, one small one, its mouth run through by its teeth.
Chapter Nine
Agatha stood in the burning sunshine as Eldon’s skull ws lowered into its grave. As the priest read out the last ceremony and placed the wreath on the gravestone. Agatha walked to Eldon’s family. While she had never met them, they were crying the most, and they had certain family resemblance. Quietly she passed them the amulet Eldon had been searching for. “Mammon had it. I’m sorry,” she said before walking away.
Into The Storm - A New Novel by Margret Mitchel
(Dictated from beyond the grave to Jamie Yawnie)
The novel follows a young teenager during WWII, and deals wit the cultural and political setting of 1940's America. Her father is drafted to fight in the War, and how she deals with her annoying sisters Bertram, Adeline, and Lysa. Her mother, Minda, commits suicide when it turns out that her father was K.I.A. . She has to take care of her sisters, who all abandon her, until she is left with only her grandmother. The novel ends with the war's end, when in a plot twist ending, her father returns alive from the war, and hope is seen again.
(Dictated from beyond the grave to Jamie Yawnie)
The novel follows a young teenager during WWII, and deals wit the cultural and political setting of 1940's America. Her father is drafted to fight in the War, and how she deals with her annoying sisters Bertram, Adeline, and Lysa. Her mother, Minda, commits suicide when it turns out that her father was K.I.A. . She has to take care of her sisters, who all abandon her, until she is left with only her grandmother. The novel ends with the war's end, when in a plot twist ending, her father returns alive from the war, and hope is seen again.

Aim the first shot.
Develop a light plan.
He does another dangerous morning.
Today the wingspan feels tangled. Fortitude from the past. Listened to the end.
Clutches its roots.
Finally his eyes mirror this emptiness.
Aim before he knows it.
Develop a light plan.
He does another dangerous morning.
Today the wingspan feels tangled. Fortitude from the past. Listened to the end.
Clutches its roots.
Finally his eyes mirror this emptiness.
Aim before he knows it.
Vampires! by the Novelmaners
Unfortunately, Zero was going to poison himself after finding out Max was a vampire.
Fortunately he accidentally drank orange juice, so he's alive.
Unfortunately he was allergic to orange juice.
Fortunatley he got to the hospital in time.
Unfortunately the hospital was over run with vampires.
Fortunately there was a handy dandy siver bullet gun next ot him.
Unfortunately they only work against werewolves
Fortunately the werewolves love cookies and thought the other werewolves were cookies - getting rid of the werewolf problem at the hospital which happened right before the vampire invasion.
Unfortunately this didn't help Zero find, or cure, Max.
Fortunately, he found a lab that helped him find just those solutions.
Unfortunately he forgot to cure his orange juice poisoning and started to die.
Fortunately he grabbed a drink he thought was a cure for his poisoning.
Unfortunately it was also orange juice and he died.
Fortunately the orange juice had vampire blood in it and Zero was now an undead vampire for eternity.
Unfortunately, Zero was going to poison himself after finding out Max was a vampire.
Fortunately he accidentally drank orange juice, so he's alive.
Unfortunately he was allergic to orange juice.
Fortunatley he got to the hospital in time.
Unfortunately the hospital was over run with vampires.
Fortunately there was a handy dandy siver bullet gun next ot him.
Unfortunately they only work against werewolves
Fortunately the werewolves love cookies and thought the other werewolves were cookies - getting rid of the werewolf problem at the hospital which happened right before the vampire invasion.
Unfortunately this didn't help Zero find, or cure, Max.
Fortunately, he found a lab that helped him find just those solutions.
Unfortunately he forgot to cure his orange juice poisoning and started to die.
Fortunately he grabbed a drink he thought was a cure for his poisoning.
Unfortunately it was also orange juice and he died.
Fortunately the orange juice had vampire blood in it and Zero was now an undead vampire for eternity.
by Krysia Denys
Get a chair (No, not a wheely office chair, that is dangerous). Move the chair up to the wall. Climb onto the chair. Fall and cry because you ignored step one and got a wheely office chair. Climb ono the chair. Carefully. Take the big clock off the wall, carefully. Smash the clock to pieces. Be cautious as plastic shards in the eye are an ow. Tell everyone you time traveled. No one can prove you wrong because the clock is broken. No one can prove you wrong because the clock is broken. RUN. There is now a crowd of people who DID NOT get the joke chasing you with pitchforks.
by Derek A.
First off, take your guinea pig to an aquarium. Run a show just like you wold for a dolphin. Don't tell people it's a guinea pig though. If the guinea pig does no tricks, that's okay. You're just starting out after all. Perform some training sessions, and teach it some tricks like a dolphin. If you give it lots of food, it might even become as big as a dolphin! Run a new trick show and see your work in action. You've just taught your guinea pig the dolphin way.
by Derek A.
It's imperative to raise your killer rabbit correctly. Otherwise you run the scary risk of it not being a killer and losing its "killerness." The first thing you should do is to let it tear up you home. By allowing it to practice "killing" in your home, you'll ensure that the rabbit will be able to do the same in the outside world. Just make sure you provide rewards for good effort though, or else your killer rabbit could proceed to attack you. Next, after you've let the rabbit properly roam your house, run a science experiment. Put baking soda in cup and add vinegar on top. See what the rabbit does once the explosion occurs. If it attacks your cup, you'be done a great job, Congratulation! However, if it gets scared and runs away, go back to step 1.

A child in a lens of the camera. Eyes quiet. She's a hairless rubber doll, off-kilter kitten, recently diagnosed with vulnerablitiy. Not surprising given her earliest memory. A nurse all in white was crying, the smell of McDonald's, people running, using scissors to cut the brochure. On the cover was an image of electric shock treatment.
TAKE ONE - Gates Ogilvie
Coffee Man, with all his caffeine infused energy, went to the gym nearly every night and every morning. His best friend and gym buddy, a coffee mug to really just hold all those caffeines. As the months went by his skin really started glowing healthier than ever. He noticed a similar look to his coffee mug, and before he knew it, his skin was glass and he held hot comforting liquids.
TAKE TWO - Emily Firmston
Coffee Man stood atop the highest building in the city. He may have gotten a bad review in mascot weekly's newest blog post, but Coffee Man was as porous as a coffee mig, practically impermeable.
Coffee Man, with all his caffeine infused energy, went to the gym nearly every night and every morning. His best friend and gym buddy, a coffee mug to really just hold all those caffeines. As the months went by his skin really started glowing healthier than ever. He noticed a similar look to his coffee mug, and before he knew it, his skin was glass and he held hot comforting liquids.
TAKE TWO - Emily Firmston
Coffee Man stood atop the highest building in the city. He may have gotten a bad review in mascot weekly's newest blog post, but Coffee Man was as porous as a coffee mig, practically impermeable.
Entombed by George Doerksen
Copyright 2018 George Doerksen
Edited by George Doerksen
Published by Reality Is Optional publishing company
Not Available in the Library of Congress.
SYNOPSIS: Businessman Roger must fight for his life in an underground labyrinth as a mysterious presence stalks him.
Chapter One
Roger lay in a heap a the bottom of the well. He looked up above him and could faintly see the light of day, obscured by the leaves and vines he had fallen through. Around him was soft mud, the well long since dried out. He seemed to be mostly unhurt, but could never climb out of the well. Around him was a large cave that was once full of water. In the distance, he could hear rustling . . . wind?
Chapter Two
Roger realized that wind down here had to mean access to the surface. He walked towards the sound, his nice shoes squishing in the mud. He had neglected to search his whole estate for dangerous hazards, but was now regretting his decision. His wife was usually away and he had no kids. No one who might fall down a well, he had thought. As it got dark away from the well, he thought he saw a light up ahead.
Chapter Three
Roger sprinted towards the light, then stumbled in the mud and fell forwards. He landed in the dark, lying on his chest. When he looked up, the light was gone, Roger started to worry. This cave was bigger than he thought, and his wife was away for a week. He often managed his company form home, and nobody there wold notice his absence for a long time. The gnawing gear in his stomach got stronger, when Roger realized he was now walking on hard refined stone and not mud.
Chapter Four
Fwoosh! A brilliant light burst up, blinding Roger. Once his eyes adapted, he saw that it was from a torch hanging on the wall. He was no longer in a cave but had wandered into a smooth stone hallway. As he recovered from the torch, he heard something again, rushing air and water, but also… a voice! “Roger… Roger…” It was quiet and eerie, carrying through the corridors. As he listened, shouted back, “Hello? I’m down in the well! Help!” When he sopped shouting, the voice was silent.
Chapter Five
Roger sprinted down the halls, trying to reach the water he could hear. His throat was dry from panic and he needed water. Each hallway he turned into was lit by another torch. As he raced around a corner, the lights flickered and when they returned something was standing at the end the hall. Roger tried to turn and run the other way, but he heard the figure running behind him. He dared to look over his shoulder and saw he was chased by a… a… what WAS that?!
Chapter Six
In a panic, Roger dashed through the hallways, followed at every step by his pursuer. Suddenly, the hallway opened into a giant cavern, with a faint ray of sunlight above and a chasm of roaring water below. As Roger ran out into the cave, onto a narrow rock bridge crossing far above the water, he paused for breath and was suddenly thrown down onto the bridge. The thing was on top of him, and it slowly hauled him towards the edge, his arms and head dangling over the water as he tried to get free.
Chapter Seven
Roger dangled helplessly over the abyss, about to be thrown to his death. The thing paused, then reached down and grabbed his head, spinning him over. He could finally see what had him. It had the face of a wizened old human, atop a strong, well-built body with lizard like claws as hands. Roger struggled, trying to get away, when it spoke, “Roger. . . . for what have you done to me . . . you will PAY!” it’s voice was raspy and horrible and as it screamed its exclamation, it pitched Roger over the edge to the churning waters beneath.
Chapter Eight
Roger held onto the bridge with all his strength. Above him, the monster watched him hang. As he tried to pull himself up, the creature leaned down and grabbed the top of its head, peeling a mask off. Roger gasped in recognition. It was the ex-partner of his company who had been driven out by Roger for fraud. As he kicked at Roger’s hands, Roger reached up and grabbed his foot. His attacker stumbled and fell off, hanging from Roger’s leg with is fake lizardy claws digging into Roger’s thigh. Suddenly, the claws tore too far, pulling off Roger’s foot as his attacker fell into the cavern.
Chapter Nine
Roger pulled himself up onto the bridge. His foot was left a bleeding stump. As he looked around, he saw his would-be murderer had a rope ladder dangling into the cave. Roger crawled towards it, before pulling himself up and out towards the sunlight above.
“A true tour-de-force of suspense from a new and exciting literary voice.” – NPR
“Will have your jaw clenched in sheer terror” – New York Review of Books.
Copyright 2018 George Doerksen
Edited by George Doerksen
Published by Reality Is Optional publishing company
Not Available in the Library of Congress.
SYNOPSIS: Businessman Roger must fight for his life in an underground labyrinth as a mysterious presence stalks him.
Chapter One
Roger lay in a heap a the bottom of the well. He looked up above him and could faintly see the light of day, obscured by the leaves and vines he had fallen through. Around him was soft mud, the well long since dried out. He seemed to be mostly unhurt, but could never climb out of the well. Around him was a large cave that was once full of water. In the distance, he could hear rustling . . . wind?
Chapter Two
Roger realized that wind down here had to mean access to the surface. He walked towards the sound, his nice shoes squishing in the mud. He had neglected to search his whole estate for dangerous hazards, but was now regretting his decision. His wife was usually away and he had no kids. No one who might fall down a well, he had thought. As it got dark away from the well, he thought he saw a light up ahead.
Chapter Three
Roger sprinted towards the light, then stumbled in the mud and fell forwards. He landed in the dark, lying on his chest. When he looked up, the light was gone, Roger started to worry. This cave was bigger than he thought, and his wife was away for a week. He often managed his company form home, and nobody there wold notice his absence for a long time. The gnawing gear in his stomach got stronger, when Roger realized he was now walking on hard refined stone and not mud.
Chapter Four
Fwoosh! A brilliant light burst up, blinding Roger. Once his eyes adapted, he saw that it was from a torch hanging on the wall. He was no longer in a cave but had wandered into a smooth stone hallway. As he recovered from the torch, he heard something again, rushing air and water, but also… a voice! “Roger… Roger…” It was quiet and eerie, carrying through the corridors. As he listened, shouted back, “Hello? I’m down in the well! Help!” When he sopped shouting, the voice was silent.
Chapter Five
Roger sprinted down the halls, trying to reach the water he could hear. His throat was dry from panic and he needed water. Each hallway he turned into was lit by another torch. As he raced around a corner, the lights flickered and when they returned something was standing at the end the hall. Roger tried to turn and run the other way, but he heard the figure running behind him. He dared to look over his shoulder and saw he was chased by a… a… what WAS that?!
Chapter Six
In a panic, Roger dashed through the hallways, followed at every step by his pursuer. Suddenly, the hallway opened into a giant cavern, with a faint ray of sunlight above and a chasm of roaring water below. As Roger ran out into the cave, onto a narrow rock bridge crossing far above the water, he paused for breath and was suddenly thrown down onto the bridge. The thing was on top of him, and it slowly hauled him towards the edge, his arms and head dangling over the water as he tried to get free.
Chapter Seven
Roger dangled helplessly over the abyss, about to be thrown to his death. The thing paused, then reached down and grabbed his head, spinning him over. He could finally see what had him. It had the face of a wizened old human, atop a strong, well-built body with lizard like claws as hands. Roger struggled, trying to get away, when it spoke, “Roger. . . . for what have you done to me . . . you will PAY!” it’s voice was raspy and horrible and as it screamed its exclamation, it pitched Roger over the edge to the churning waters beneath.
Chapter Eight
Roger held onto the bridge with all his strength. Above him, the monster watched him hang. As he tried to pull himself up, the creature leaned down and grabbed the top of its head, peeling a mask off. Roger gasped in recognition. It was the ex-partner of his company who had been driven out by Roger for fraud. As he kicked at Roger’s hands, Roger reached up and grabbed his foot. His attacker stumbled and fell off, hanging from Roger’s leg with is fake lizardy claws digging into Roger’s thigh. Suddenly, the claws tore too far, pulling off Roger’s foot as his attacker fell into the cavern.
Chapter Nine
Roger pulled himself up onto the bridge. His foot was left a bleeding stump. As he looked around, he saw his would-be murderer had a rope ladder dangling into the cave. Roger crawled towards it, before pulling himself up and out towards the sunlight above.
“A true tour-de-force of suspense from a new and exciting literary voice.” – NPR
“Will have your jaw clenched in sheer terror” – New York Review of Books.
TAKE ONE - by Gates Ogilvie
Paul walker had undergone a very unfortunate event only earlier that day. The enchanted sword, only to be released from its soul trap by a live sacrifice, had been lodged into his back after to he fell back onto the mystical tree stump.
The enchanted being that whomever touches the sword may not step through any gate or pass through. So realistically Paul Walker could only watch Fast and Furious (his fave movie) through the outside window.
TAKE TWO by Emily
As Paul walker, famed actor, wtched his very alive face on TV through a frosty window, he felt frozen in place, blue footed as the enchanted sword from the Arthurian tales. He may as well be stuck in a boulder as his ghostly body refused to move an inch, purely due to unnecessary nervousness filling him.
Paul walker had undergone a very unfortunate event only earlier that day. The enchanted sword, only to be released from its soul trap by a live sacrifice, had been lodged into his back after to he fell back onto the mystical tree stump.
The enchanted being that whomever touches the sword may not step through any gate or pass through. So realistically Paul Walker could only watch Fast and Furious (his fave movie) through the outside window.
TAKE TWO by Emily
As Paul walker, famed actor, wtched his very alive face on TV through a frosty window, he felt frozen in place, blue footed as the enchanted sword from the Arthurian tales. He may as well be stuck in a boulder as his ghostly body refused to move an inch, purely due to unnecessary nervousness filling him.