A big thank you to Remington Development Corporation who donated $1000.00 to the Reality Is Optional Creative Kids' Programming. We are so excited. It's great to have such amazing support.
Ultimate Piety (an auto-correct poem) by Ian Westacott and Emily Firmston
Typical for me and you have no idea what to wear my glasses to school tomorrow but I'm still waiting for you guys should make the playoffs.
Famous Members!
Jack Hornecker did all the art for the Alberta Children's Hospital Illustrated Donor's Report. It was a lot of art. There was small things on every page and many big full page pictures. September 24 he presented his book to the board of directors where he spoke for about ten minutes and rocked the room. He received a standing ovation and did an impromptu autograph session. He was also interviewed by the local media and made the news! And the week before all that, he was selling his art at an art show! We are so proud of our members.
* Please note, we are not in the habit of using our member's names with photos but since he was on the news, it's not like it's a huge secret - so I'm breaking the rules.
- Editor
* Please note, we are not in the habit of using our member's names with photos but since he was on the news, it's not like it's a huge secret - so I'm breaking the rules.
- Editor
Lazy Exercise Ads
Do you not like exercising? Us either. You can do this with the couch master. Buy our stuff.
Are you lazy? Probably. Exercise is probably not for you. But buy this just in case. Yeah. It’s a thing that helps you exercise. It’s called Lazy Equip. We didn’t know what to call it. Call 1-800- I don’t know.
- Alexis Kelly
Do you not like exercising? Us either. You can do this with the couch master. Buy our stuff.
Are you lazy? Probably. Exercise is probably not for you. But buy this just in case. Yeah. It’s a thing that helps you exercise. It’s called Lazy Equip. We didn’t know what to call it. Call 1-800- I don’t know.
- Alexis Kelly
RIO Characters
Who would win?
Reality Is Optional Creative Kids' Programming (RIOCKP) had a tent at Calgary's Teen Fest recently. We wrote and drew with some amazing kids, found a few dedicated writers and artists and made new friends. We had some great volunteers from our youth members and good time was had by all. Here's some of the results of the competitions.
RIOCKP, we are a go!
After the pins were ordered (thanks to Sebastien Ringuette), a couple of RIOites and a helpful parent partnered up to make our mascots come to life to decorate our Teen Fest tent. Sad Volleyball Sun (from Pen & Panel), Critical Pen (from Free Fall Writing and Critique Club), and Iago, our alien vampire chicken with psychic powers (from RIO) all jumped into being with a bit of paint and an artistic eye. They look pretty good in our tent don't you think. Luckily we had a tent (donated by the Hornecker family) because it hailed and rained for the first half hour of set up. But we survived and RIOCKP at Teen Fest was a go!
The Teen Fest Competitions and other things
RIOCKP staged some awesome competitions at our booth which were highly attended. I think we had the funnest place to be in the who place. What with the banana haikus and the Shakespearean Insult competition we all had a good laugh. Here's some examples of what went on:
Blindfolded Drawing
Banana Haiku
Draw That and Animal Mashup
Black Out Poetry and Movie Trailers.
Chopped Writing Canada scenes
There was a hula girl who decided to go swimming at the beach. She noticed a sign that said she could swim but that there was also sharks in the water. As she went swimming she saw what looked like a shark and started freaking out. As she yelled, “There’s a shark! Shark!” The lifeguard swam in and checked it out. Turns out it was just a Nemo Fish Torpedo.
Once upon a time Sandra Bullock went swimming when she was suddenly captured and taken hostage by Hawaiian hula dancers. Fish missile things started coming out of her eyes because she cried so hard. A shark ate all of Hawaii and Sandra we free! She fled to space to marry George Clooney.
I was at my hula practice. I wanted to go swimming with my friend fish, Nemo, who is always scared to see a shark. So when we were swimming, Nemo got eaten by a shark. The end of Nemo.
There was a lake with two signs, You Can Swim, and There Is A Shark. Also there was a hula girl that looked at me and said that there was a Nemo Missile that was gonna get me!
“Today is not the day to do this . . .,” remarked Robin as he tried to find his tools. “Where are they?” He ran out and looked around. “Someone must have stolen them. But where are they? And why is this cake here?” He crushed the cake. It was metal! “Must have been a bug. . .” Then he spotted some metal stick with a green bulb lying on the ground. He held it up and found a button. He aimed it at the (now broken) metal-cake) and pressed it. Apart from a weird wheezing and groaning sound, nothing happened.
It was a dark and stormy Friday Night, and it wasn’t just any Friday night, it was my Birthday. I was ready for my party which started at 7:00, but by the time it was 8:30, only my cousin, who always dressed as Robin, was there. I felt devastated, and to make matters wors, Robin lost my present, and only had a Doctor Who screwdriver, which was out-dated, and looked like it was pulled from a mud hole. I broke into tears, this Birthday was ruined. The only thing that would make it better was my perfect chocolate cake. But when it was time to it out, it fell on the floor. My birthday was ruined.
- Amelia Yusch
One day, Dr. Who wanted to host a birthday party for his friend Robin. Robin LOVED Dr. Who’s magic screwdriver so . . . he hid it in Robin’s birthday cake! As they were eating the cake, Robin discovered his awesome spectacular present! Now he could be just like Dr. Who!
- Zuzana
One hot summer day Robin was all like, “Hey, E’m hangry!” People looked at him because he yelled that in the middle of downtown Gothem. He walked into a cake shop and said, “I would like a nice chocolate cake please!” he yelled at the guy. He sat to eat his cake but there was no fork, but there was a sonic screwdriver. He picked it up and pointed at the café and pressed the buttons. The cake blew up and went everywhere. “Oh no! My cake!” he yelled.
- TB Maky
Once upon a time Sandra Bullock went swimming when she was suddenly captured and taken hostage by Hawaiian hula dancers. Fish missile things started coming out of her eyes because she cried so hard. A shark ate all of Hawaii and Sandra we free! She fled to space to marry George Clooney.
I was at my hula practice. I wanted to go swimming with my friend fish, Nemo, who is always scared to see a shark. So when we were swimming, Nemo got eaten by a shark. The end of Nemo.
There was a lake with two signs, You Can Swim, and There Is A Shark. Also there was a hula girl that looked at me and said that there was a Nemo Missile that was gonna get me!
“Today is not the day to do this . . .,” remarked Robin as he tried to find his tools. “Where are they?” He ran out and looked around. “Someone must have stolen them. But where are they? And why is this cake here?” He crushed the cake. It was metal! “Must have been a bug. . .” Then he spotted some metal stick with a green bulb lying on the ground. He held it up and found a button. He aimed it at the (now broken) metal-cake) and pressed it. Apart from a weird wheezing and groaning sound, nothing happened.
It was a dark and stormy Friday Night, and it wasn’t just any Friday night, it was my Birthday. I was ready for my party which started at 7:00, but by the time it was 8:30, only my cousin, who always dressed as Robin, was there. I felt devastated, and to make matters wors, Robin lost my present, and only had a Doctor Who screwdriver, which was out-dated, and looked like it was pulled from a mud hole. I broke into tears, this Birthday was ruined. The only thing that would make it better was my perfect chocolate cake. But when it was time to it out, it fell on the floor. My birthday was ruined.
- Amelia Yusch
One day, Dr. Who wanted to host a birthday party for his friend Robin. Robin LOVED Dr. Who’s magic screwdriver so . . . he hid it in Robin’s birthday cake! As they were eating the cake, Robin discovered his awesome spectacular present! Now he could be just like Dr. Who!
- Zuzana
One hot summer day Robin was all like, “Hey, E’m hangry!” People looked at him because he yelled that in the middle of downtown Gothem. He walked into a cake shop and said, “I would like a nice chocolate cake please!” he yelled at the guy. He sat to eat his cake but there was no fork, but there was a sonic screwdriver. He picked it up and pointed at the café and pressed the buttons. The cake blew up and went everywhere. “Oh no! My cake!” he yelled.
- TB Maky