RIO's October E-Zine
Because We CAN!
Adventures in the Dungeon by Mary Innes
R.I.O Radio episode one
a rant by Emily Firmston
First, I would like to thank the people in the community that had CP Rail shut down in our beloved Inglewood. Thank you for making my dad probably lose his job. Thank you for possibly forcing me and my entire family to move to Winnipeg or Montreal. Better get on those French lessons! But, what’s the point in French lessons, I’ll be back in no time! 6 years is no time at all. See, I’ll lose all my friends and my dear writing club that’s like my family if I move. But, I was getting bored of them anyway, I can easily make more friends, because I TOTALLY WASN’T BULLIED IN KINDERGARTEN ALL THE WAY TO GRADE 3. Why would you think that? I’m OBVIOUSLY super popular. Sorry to you RIOites. I’ll miss you if we move. I’m serious, ‘kay? Now back to all you other people. If you move near a RAILROAD you should know it’s LOUD. Trains go CHOO-CHOO. REMEMBER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL? And trains aren’t alive, they can’t take care of themselves, and FIRING EVERYONE WON’T STOP THE TRAINS COMING THROUGH OUR COMMUNITY. If anyone should leave, it should be you. The train was here first. Shutting down a train yard because it’s loud is like closing an office building because “Oh my GOD! They use PAPER! They kill trees! Shut it down!”. Oh, and Alderman Carra, remember me? I sent you one letter when I was around 9ish concerning the environment, and you answered it with a form letter that had little to do with my suggestion? And I invited you to our play! You sent one of your staff to it! I hope he enjoyed it. If me and my family have to leave, that would be the last play produced by Dramantics because my mother teaches us how to write plays, at least here. I don’t know if this will even be published in the newsletter, if it is I’ll probably get tons of hate-mail back. But, don’t listen to me, what do I know? I’m just a kid.
R.I.O Radio episode two
Sherlock by Mary Innes
R.I.O Radio episode three
R.I.O Radio episode four
R.I.O Radio was inspired by Welcome To Night Vale (click to find out more).