A High School Goat Drama
Theme music starts the show. It' s a favourite called Sakura Connect ~ Butter Toast Morning. You wonder if they maybe could have found a better translator.
Sakura Connect ~ Butter Toast Morning
Keep in try
Do best your
My world the monocube
Is out of the contols
Why me
Don erase him
I can feel the sanity slip egg
My mind is on cliff
Float away
Monocube is eternity
Theme music starts the show. It' s a favourite called Sakura Connect ~ Butter Toast Morning. You wonder if they maybe could have found a better translator.
Sakura Connect ~ Butter Toast Morning
Keep in try
Do best your
My world the monocube
Is out of the contols
Why me
Don erase him
I can feel the sanity slip egg
My mind is on cliff
Float away
Monocube is eternity
Sakura-chan, a new student, faces the high school. After getting knocked into by some strange toast running contest, she tries to enter but is blocked by an upperclassman who engages her in an epic pun battle:
You newbies better make like a tree and LEAF
I can't. I'm ROOTED to the spot.
Don't FOREST us to kick your butt!
I don't think you WOOD.
You're SAPPING our patience
Oh, come on! I just want to have some FUNGI.
You CHLOROPHYLL me with hatred.
Stop BEAN that way
Come on in. Why KNOT
I LICHEN your suggestion
and so on...
It turns out that today is class president election day. Sakura-chan have a listen to all the candidates speeches.She isn't sure who to vote for, as she scans the candidates.
Sakura-chan, a new student, faces the high school. After getting knocked into by some strange toast running contest, she tries to enter but is blocked by an upperclassman who engages her in an epic pun battle:
You newbies better make like a tree and LEAF
I can't. I'm ROOTED to the spot.
Don't FOREST us to kick your butt!
I don't think you WOOD.
You're SAPPING our patience
Oh, come on! I just want to have some FUNGI.
You CHLOROPHYLL me with hatred.
Stop BEAN that way
Come on in. Why KNOT
I LICHEN your suggestion
and so on...
It turns out that today is class president election day. Sakura-chan have a listen to all the candidates speeches.She isn't sure who to vote for, as she scans the candidates.
Sakura-chan is not sure who to vote for, after scanning the candidates she listens to their speeches.
Sakura-chan is not sure who to vote for, after scanning the candidates she listens to their speeches.
First up - Ai Sukiama, 6'4", with pink hair and blue eyes. He gives the following speech:
Wouldn't you love, love, love me to be your class president? I love sakura and spring. I can fill your hearts with love and kawaii. I love sashimi - both the lady and the delicious sushi. I also love neko. I love inu too. And I loves you! You my class, I loves you! With all the love in my all too loving heart of love. Choose me you kawaii students, you senseis, you lovely senpais, and all you other people. Choose me, the loveliest class president you can have. |
Next to speak is a kid who everyone calls Anime Pin-Head but whose actual name appears to be Nicholas Fredricton. He claims to be an anarchist, Zac Efon blog creator, and loves singing about Monocube (a game you haven't yet become familiar with).
As president I promise to implement the following things:
Hikari Yamitsuki (Dark Moonlight) is a brooding fellow. Hmm. He would make an interesting class president. Here is his speech:
Welcome fellow esteemed students. Now follow all the rules or I will summon my blue eyes white dragon to destroy your souls. The shadow realm does not forgive puny mortals. Now excuse me while I go sandpaper my throat, my blue eyes white dragon jet is waiting. (at this point he drops the mic, flies away in a jet pack with a sweet dub step remix with evil laughter and coughing playing in the background). |
The speeches are finished, and the people drop their votes into the ballot box. After careful counting the winner is announced.
"And the winner is" The principal says over the intercom, "Sakura-chan!" Every one claps and Sakura is confused.
"And the winner is" The principal says over the intercom, "Sakura-chan!" Every one claps and Sakura is confused.
The next day Sakura-chan roams the halls. Throughout the day she finds that this new school has two official sports - the one she was run over by in the previous morning - Toast Running, and a more violent game called Monocube. She is encouraged to learn them both.
The next day Sakura-chan roams the halls. Throughout the day she finds that this new school has two official sports - the one she was run over by in the previous morning - Toast Running, and a more violent game called Monocube. She is encouraged to learn them both.
Toast Running:
This is a competitive kawaii toast morning run. The rules are simple: - If you lose your toast you're out. - Your toast needs to stay in your face the whole way. - You need to arrive at school on time. - You should always strive to improve your time. The game's chant goes something like this: "Prepare to get toasty, kawaii neko chans!" |
This game is played in teams of 8 people with five teams all competing at once. The goal of the game is to whip around a cube on a string and take people out while skateboarding. Just be warned - every time you hit an opposing player, your cube gets smaller. The players do wear helmets but as far as you can tell, they are more for fashion than protection. The audience chants: "Goat Team! Goat Team! Grab your toast in your teeth! Monocube!" The slogan for monocube is: LAST CUBE STANDING Your school's monocube team is called The Rosy Hooves GOAT TEAM! Thus concludes the episode. |