AWCS Youth Programs
and REALITY IS OPTIONAL Kids' Writing Club
Present . . .
Rogue Poets present - Poetry!
The Rogue Poets hit the stage!
Media Club presents - R.I.O. Radio News:
The Novelmancers present a micro-mini novel:
Dragons Attempting to do World Domination
Chapter 1
Sally the Dragon was climbing the staircase. "They're so annoying," she grumbled aloud. If only they were wooden, I'd burn them into oblivion," she thought. Her head was constantly crashing into the elevated ceiling , and she was surprised she hadn't heard "Guards, assemble!" or anything similar to that.
She was invading a castle, loud booms accompanying her every step, yet the castle was placid. Overly placid. Perhaps to guards had disappeared and had magnanimously given up the castle?
She crashed into the throne room. It was empty. "What a boring castle," she said out loud, wondering if the whole kingdom had been abandoned. She flew away, looking for another kingdom - a better kingdom, you know, full of people to gobble up. She was so busy flying away, the sound of her wings kept her from hearing anything else. She didn't notice the castle tower toppling to the ground behind her and a large metallic dragon emerging.
Chapter 2
"Sally! We have to get going!" The shower of arrows rained over the dragons.
It was memories like this that burned within her.
Another roar of distress sounded as the assault continued. Sally couldn't identify the speaker but she got the message.
"But . . ." Sally screamed out.
Sally spread her wings and took off. She still couldn't believe the humans had found their lair. She would find a new lair. She would claim the dragon homeland once again!
Chapter 3
The gravel crunched beneath Sally's large feet. The wind blew hard. Almost every human that had once littered the small town seemed to have fled. A dark feeling started rising up in Sally's chest, she paused for a moment, surveying the wreckage.
A shuffle in the trees, surprisingly still intact after the war between the dragons and the humans, caught her attention. Sally was sent flying backwards, claws ripping at her scales, cold knives stabbing at her soft belly. She landed with a boom, gravel flying from out beneath her. Metal Sally's cold sneer hovered above her face. The robotic dragon's metal body glinted in the muted light, a horrible mechanism made by the humans to rid the world of Sally once and for all. So far, it hadn't worked. But with each fight, the machine succeeded a little more.
"I should have known it was you!" Sally hissed, throwing Metal Sally off her.
The beast crashed into some nearby houses or whatever.
Chapter 4
The battle raged. Sally had now destroyed Metal Sally's weapons but Metal Sally was winning.
"This is not working," thought Sally.
Metal Sally clanked closer approaching with a snort of steam.
Sally shouted. "It's over. I give up!"
Chapter 5
Sally knew she was done for. Metal Sally had everything Sally did - along with some things she didn't, such as being metal. Metal Sally approached Sally to strike the final blow.
Sally called out, "Wait! Why must we fight? Are we not both dragons? Why, are we not both Sally?" Metal Sally said nothing.
Sally bowed her head awaiting death but something in Metal Sally's glowing red eyes changed.
"Sally . . ." she whispered. "We . . . are . . . Sally."
Sally looked up, leaning forward despite her injuries to embrace Metal Sally. "That's right!" she said, ecstatic. "We are Sally and, together, we shall fight the humans!"
Chapter 6
Sally huffed in pain.
Metal Sally's teeth clacked and she rose to her full glory, towering over the wounded dragon.
"Why do you work with the humans?" Sally asked. "They're destroying this planet. O...our people," She choked out.
Metal Sally's joints hissed. She remained silent. Then she said, her voice a hollow buzz, "The humans. My people. You die."
"Ugh," Sally groaned, attempting to stand.
The great robotic dragon whipped its tail, knocking Sally further across the field.
Sally's bones cracked, but she wouldn't give up. The humans had destroyed her family. Her friends. All the dragons!
She let out a huge spurt of fire, melting the robot.
Chapter 7
Sally looked at the smoldering remains of Metal Sally. She was glad the humans had lost. they didn't deserve to rule the earth. The dragons did. Sally picked up the metal dragon's charred and warped skeleton in her claws and flapped her large leathery wings stirring up burnt oil and charred leaves. Below her the broken remains of the human city grew smaller and smaller. When the castle below was nothing more than a small grey cube, she dropped Metal Sally and flew away alone but victorious.
Sally the Dragon was climbing the staircase. "They're so annoying," she grumbled aloud. If only they were wooden, I'd burn them into oblivion," she thought. Her head was constantly crashing into the elevated ceiling , and she was surprised she hadn't heard "Guards, assemble!" or anything similar to that.
She was invading a castle, loud booms accompanying her every step, yet the castle was placid. Overly placid. Perhaps to guards had disappeared and had magnanimously given up the castle?
She crashed into the throne room. It was empty. "What a boring castle," she said out loud, wondering if the whole kingdom had been abandoned. She flew away, looking for another kingdom - a better kingdom, you know, full of people to gobble up. She was so busy flying away, the sound of her wings kept her from hearing anything else. She didn't notice the castle tower toppling to the ground behind her and a large metallic dragon emerging.
Chapter 2
"Sally! We have to get going!" The shower of arrows rained over the dragons.
It was memories like this that burned within her.
Another roar of distress sounded as the assault continued. Sally couldn't identify the speaker but she got the message.
"But . . ." Sally screamed out.
Sally spread her wings and took off. She still couldn't believe the humans had found their lair. She would find a new lair. She would claim the dragon homeland once again!
Chapter 3
The gravel crunched beneath Sally's large feet. The wind blew hard. Almost every human that had once littered the small town seemed to have fled. A dark feeling started rising up in Sally's chest, she paused for a moment, surveying the wreckage.
A shuffle in the trees, surprisingly still intact after the war between the dragons and the humans, caught her attention. Sally was sent flying backwards, claws ripping at her scales, cold knives stabbing at her soft belly. She landed with a boom, gravel flying from out beneath her. Metal Sally's cold sneer hovered above her face. The robotic dragon's metal body glinted in the muted light, a horrible mechanism made by the humans to rid the world of Sally once and for all. So far, it hadn't worked. But with each fight, the machine succeeded a little more.
"I should have known it was you!" Sally hissed, throwing Metal Sally off her.
The beast crashed into some nearby houses or whatever.
Chapter 4
The battle raged. Sally had now destroyed Metal Sally's weapons but Metal Sally was winning.
"This is not working," thought Sally.
Metal Sally clanked closer approaching with a snort of steam.
Sally shouted. "It's over. I give up!"
Chapter 5
Sally knew she was done for. Metal Sally had everything Sally did - along with some things she didn't, such as being metal. Metal Sally approached Sally to strike the final blow.
Sally called out, "Wait! Why must we fight? Are we not both dragons? Why, are we not both Sally?" Metal Sally said nothing.
Sally bowed her head awaiting death but something in Metal Sally's glowing red eyes changed.
"Sally . . ." she whispered. "We . . . are . . . Sally."
Sally looked up, leaning forward despite her injuries to embrace Metal Sally. "That's right!" she said, ecstatic. "We are Sally and, together, we shall fight the humans!"
Chapter 6
Sally huffed in pain.
Metal Sally's teeth clacked and she rose to her full glory, towering over the wounded dragon.
"Why do you work with the humans?" Sally asked. "They're destroying this planet. O...our people," She choked out.
Metal Sally's joints hissed. She remained silent. Then she said, her voice a hollow buzz, "The humans. My people. You die."
"Ugh," Sally groaned, attempting to stand.
The great robotic dragon whipped its tail, knocking Sally further across the field.
Sally's bones cracked, but she wouldn't give up. The humans had destroyed her family. Her friends. All the dragons!
She let out a huge spurt of fire, melting the robot.
Chapter 7
Sally looked at the smoldering remains of Metal Sally. She was glad the humans had lost. they didn't deserve to rule the earth. The dragons did. Sally picked up the metal dragon's charred and warped skeleton in her claws and flapped her large leathery wings stirring up burnt oil and charred leaves. Below her the broken remains of the human city grew smaller and smaller. When the castle below was nothing more than a small grey cube, she dropped Metal Sally and flew away alone but victorious.
RIO CPL Pods present black out poetry by Krysia Denys!
The AWCS Youth Booth at Alberta Culture Days!
Reality Is Optional presents Space Race!

Totally true bios of from the Reality Is Optional kids' writing club members:
I am Fiona, an eight foot pirate that has rainbow hair and magical powers. I have only eaten pizza for one hundred years because I'm one hundred years old.
I am Fiona, an eight foot pirate that has rainbow hair and magical powers. I have only eaten pizza for one hundred years because I'm one hundred years old.
I am Sept. I am so amazing that I can draw a guy and I can turn into animals.
I'm Eli. I like making sprinkles out of purple things. I am also a 10'9" ever falling narwhal.
Hi I'm Noah. I like to watch My Little Pony while I eat roasted chicken.
Hi! I am Lina, the shape-shifting unicorn. You may know me more commonly as SPARKLE MAGIC BEAVER THE THIRD! You can now be impressed.
I am George, a 501 year-old chimera who was transformed into a weak and timid human by my brother.
I'm Peter, all I do in my spare time is wander around like an amnesiac. I like to hold coffee above my head.
Hi, I'm Willow. I can fly and eat glass :b
I'm Sophie. I can fly and I'm the president of Fantasy Cuba.
My name is Sonia and I am actually a dolphin disguised as a human. I can stay underwater for three years straight.
I am Anna and I hate farts. I will one day kill all farts!
I'm Cam. I'm not a billionaire. I do not live in a mansion.
I am Neo from Hell. I love me.
My name is Jamie and I hate going to school and doing homework.
I'm Eli. I like making sprinkles out of purple things. I am also a 10'9" ever falling narwhal.
Hi I'm Noah. I like to watch My Little Pony while I eat roasted chicken.
Hi! I am Lina, the shape-shifting unicorn. You may know me more commonly as SPARKLE MAGIC BEAVER THE THIRD! You can now be impressed.
I am George, a 501 year-old chimera who was transformed into a weak and timid human by my brother.
I'm Peter, all I do in my spare time is wander around like an amnesiac. I like to hold coffee above my head.
Hi, I'm Willow. I can fly and eat glass :b
I'm Sophie. I can fly and I'm the president of Fantasy Cuba.
My name is Sonia and I am actually a dolphin disguised as a human. I can stay underwater for three years straight.
I am Anna and I hate farts. I will one day kill all farts!
I'm Cam. I'm not a billionaire. I do not live in a mansion.
I am Neo from Hell. I love me.
My name is Jamie and I hate going to school and doing homework.
Meet the Pen & Panelists!
RIO Presents
a Micro Mini Novel about a Blueberry Chicken
and Horrible Girl with Curly Red Hair.
Chapter 1 - Derek
I went to the store looking for Billie the curly red haired person. But on the way to the store, I came across a few beaver-unicorns (beavicorns) looking for a ride to the city. As I have a car, I nodded kindly and opened the door. A few kilometers later, we arrived in town. The beavicorns were going to the bank next door to the store. I was waiting in line to talk to Billie when I heard an advertisement for people to be fatter because it is not good to be too thin. I thought more about it and decided to do it seeing as Billie would not like me to be too thin. I am her biggest fan and I must impress her!
Chapter 2 - Derek
I want to be fat and have red hair so I ate a marker, but it didn't work. On the drive home, I saw a fat cow and asked her how she was so fat. She said, "I won't tell you!" At home I Googled a good way to get red hair when I found a website labeled, "Billie's Hair Serum." The website gave directions to a small spa in a nearby town. When I got there though, I saw a big sign in the window that said, CLOSED. So I went back home and sank into bed.
Chapter 3 - Derek
I woke up in my blue chicken coop, what I call my house, and went outside to the land of blueberries. A a strange woman with curly red hair was standing in the blueberry field. It was Billie! I did a pronounced "squawk!" and she turned and looked around. "Did somebody say something?" she asked. I tried to get her attention, jumping up and down. But alas, she took one glance at me, then scoffed and walked away. I couldn't let her go! I was in love! I ran to her and said, "Why would you push me away? I love you, Billie!"
Chapter 4 - Billie
"Billie! Billie! Hello!" Derek the chicken was in the blueberry patch trying to get my attention.
I didn't want to pay attention to him. I was thinking about the TV shows I had been watching before going to the blueberry patch to walk my pet Beavicorn.
There was a story about an abusive, beautiful girl who was loved by a chicken but the chicken couldn't get her attention. In the story she went to the forth floor of a building and found a creepy goat baby but she did not know she had made a bad choice to go there. The creepy goat baby looked at her with wide cute eyes, but as soon as she went to pick it up I got creeped out and changed the channel to Barney. Have you ever noticed how fat Barney is? He is awesome!
I went to the store looking for Billie the curly red haired person. But on the way to the store, I came across a few beaver-unicorns (beavicorns) looking for a ride to the city. As I have a car, I nodded kindly and opened the door. A few kilometers later, we arrived in town. The beavicorns were going to the bank next door to the store. I was waiting in line to talk to Billie when I heard an advertisement for people to be fatter because it is not good to be too thin. I thought more about it and decided to do it seeing as Billie would not like me to be too thin. I am her biggest fan and I must impress her!
Chapter 2 - Derek
I want to be fat and have red hair so I ate a marker, but it didn't work. On the drive home, I saw a fat cow and asked her how she was so fat. She said, "I won't tell you!" At home I Googled a good way to get red hair when I found a website labeled, "Billie's Hair Serum." The website gave directions to a small spa in a nearby town. When I got there though, I saw a big sign in the window that said, CLOSED. So I went back home and sank into bed.
Chapter 3 - Derek
I woke up in my blue chicken coop, what I call my house, and went outside to the land of blueberries. A a strange woman with curly red hair was standing in the blueberry field. It was Billie! I did a pronounced "squawk!" and she turned and looked around. "Did somebody say something?" she asked. I tried to get her attention, jumping up and down. But alas, she took one glance at me, then scoffed and walked away. I couldn't let her go! I was in love! I ran to her and said, "Why would you push me away? I love you, Billie!"
Chapter 4 - Billie
"Billie! Billie! Hello!" Derek the chicken was in the blueberry patch trying to get my attention.
I didn't want to pay attention to him. I was thinking about the TV shows I had been watching before going to the blueberry patch to walk my pet Beavicorn.
There was a story about an abusive, beautiful girl who was loved by a chicken but the chicken couldn't get her attention. In the story she went to the forth floor of a building and found a creepy goat baby but she did not know she had made a bad choice to go there. The creepy goat baby looked at her with wide cute eyes, but as soon as she went to pick it up I got creeped out and changed the channel to Barney. Have you ever noticed how fat Barney is? He is awesome!

Chapter 5 - Derek
I looked up at Billie as she walked by ignoring me. She was walking her Beavicorn. Her hair flew in the wind and I was so JEALOUS. When suddenly I saw a giant baby with a huge pacifier. I let out a shrill scream. The baby glanced at me. The horrific monster baby crawled toward me at a quick pace. I ran into my home with it chasing me. Luckily it was captured by the police and put in time out. I shut the door and tried to forget about it. I glanced at myself in the window. I was so blue, the reason you ask?
Chapter 6 - Derek
I had eaten tons of blueberries. That's why I was so blue! I had to make sure I cut down on the blueberries or I would never get Billie to notice me. Still, I had eight blueberry pies I had made and I couldn't let them go to waste, so I ate them.
"You have to stop it with all the blueberries," said the evil cat in the window. Then she tossed a tomato at me and I gobbled it up in a second. The cat tossed five more and those were gobbled up too. I looked and saw that I, Derek the Blueberry Chicken was quickly turning into Derek the blue Tomato Chicken! But I didn't have much time to worry about that because I was running late for night school.
Chapter 7 - Billie
After waling my Beavicorn, I prepared for another day of hard work, getting other people to have lustrous locks like me. I took a puff of vape, combed my hair, and got ready for a hard day of work. I left my apartment and arrived at the office. A lady at the office complimented me, "Oh, what dreadful hair that is!" she said.
I know she meant she liked it. "There's no point fussing," I replied.
I worked all day then stuffed some more work for home into my backpack, slipped on my earbuds and started for night school. My earbuds slipped out again. In frustration I tossed them into a fire pit I was passing on the street. Then I hopped on the bus.
At night school, I ran down the hall and into math. I sighed. Today was an algebra test.
Chapter 8 - Derek
I was sitting in math class, bored out of my mind as a blueberry, now tomato, chicken my constant wish was to eat blueberries and tomatoes. After school, I was planning on eating from other people's gardens. Yum! But for now, I was focused on the math problem on the board. I was dead. What do I do? Suddenly Billie walked by the window. Her soft red, long hair bounced on her head. I tried to get her to notice me but she never, ever did.
Chapter 9 - Derek
My life is HARD. I see Billie's beautiful hair, I fall in love with her and she doesn't love me back. Oh Billie, love me! When I see you I want to die!
Billie looked at me. She proudly showed off her hair and smiled. I ran up to her.
"Eww! Get away from me!" she screamed, pushing me away.
Embarrassed I run out of the building and slammed into the giant baby who has been released from time out for good behavior. It was drooling all over the street. Ewww. I climbed over it and slowly walked slowly, thinking of Billie.
I mean look at her hair! Awesome. I have too many blueberries on me to have anything but blue feathers. No red hair! There was a shop up the street that said it could die hair. I didn't have hair but maybe they can do something. I walked in.
"NO BLUEBERRY CHICKENS! they shouted. I slumped out of the place, sad.
Chapter 10 - Derek
I remember the first time I saw Billie. One day I was wandering around the farm when I saw the most beautiful girl. Billie. Her long red hair shone in the sun. I fell in LOVE. I waked up to her and I farted. She didn't seem to notice.
Maybe I needed a love doctor. I set out to find one. Luckily there was one who had an office nearby.
He said, "What's wrong, Derek?"
"Billie won't notice me," I said, lonely.
"Well, you have to do something about it," he said.
"Isn't that your job?" I asked.
"Nope," he answered. "I just listen to you."
So I left, no further ahead. Maybe if I eat something then maybe Billie would notice me, especially if I give her some.
Chapter 11 - Derek
I hate germs. I once ate a germ it tasted like like stir fry, like over salted fish. I should have made it differently but I ate it anyways. Maybe I should give Billie a germ. She'd think I am funny and maybe she would hang out with me. Or I could give her that giant baby that was wandering the streets. Oh! What was I even saying?
Oh! There was Billie now. I could see her curly red hair. I wish she would come to me and say, "I just want to be friends." But it doesn't happen. I went to the store to buy some hair dye that matches her hair colour. I would dye my feathers. Then, only then, will she love me!
Chapter 12 - Derek
Billie wanted people to have red curly hair. I knew this but, of course, I am a blueberry chicken. How could I possibly have red curly hair? I need red curly hair for Billie to notice me. So I took my hair dye to the hair dresser at the Sassy Salon. Billie was there. A man was kissing her. He looked like some kind of sassy Hitler. It was clear. I had to kill him. But my stomach was starting to burst and I realized I had eaten too much blueberry pie earlier. So I ran to the bathroom and had explosive diarrhea. It exploded all over the bathroom. I was so embarrassed! I opened the door and ran home and sat on the couch thinking about what just happened.
Chapter 13 - Derek
The next day I had to go to the store. I was walking through the store looking for food when I saw her, Billie! She had beautiful curly red hair, but when I tried to talk to her, she pushed me away. I felt so upset! My eyes were watering, filling with tears. All I want is for Billie to notice me!
I had an idea! I would hold my breath until she noticed me.
When she looked my way, I held my breath. I held it so long I forgot how to breathe. A clerk knocked into me and made me breathe again. What if I had died?!
Chapter 14 - Derek
I was out in my tomato patch, picking tomatoes the next day when I saw the lovely Billie forcing people to dye their hair. She looked so beautiful as she abused people, but I still didn't know how to get her attention. I was thinking of trying to dye my hair red again - I still had that hair dye - but it seemed everyone was doing that now. So I thought and I thought some more. I was trying to figure out what colour I could dye myself to get her attention. Then a hippy walked by with purple hair. As he walked by Billie, she tried to berate him into dying his hair red, and I knew what I had to do!
I went into the house and died my feathers a brilliant black and green. The next day I woke up almost sick with anticipation. As I walked out to my tomato patch Billie saw me and screamed, "CHICKEN!"
"Finally," I thought, "she saw me!"
Billie grabbed me by the feet and dunked me into a vat of red hair dye. When I emerged, I was a bright crimson. I told her I would gladly help her sell her dye. She accepted!
She and I had so many adventures transforming the world into a world of red hair. But those are other stories for other times.
I looked up at Billie as she walked by ignoring me. She was walking her Beavicorn. Her hair flew in the wind and I was so JEALOUS. When suddenly I saw a giant baby with a huge pacifier. I let out a shrill scream. The baby glanced at me. The horrific monster baby crawled toward me at a quick pace. I ran into my home with it chasing me. Luckily it was captured by the police and put in time out. I shut the door and tried to forget about it. I glanced at myself in the window. I was so blue, the reason you ask?
Chapter 6 - Derek
I had eaten tons of blueberries. That's why I was so blue! I had to make sure I cut down on the blueberries or I would never get Billie to notice me. Still, I had eight blueberry pies I had made and I couldn't let them go to waste, so I ate them.
"You have to stop it with all the blueberries," said the evil cat in the window. Then she tossed a tomato at me and I gobbled it up in a second. The cat tossed five more and those were gobbled up too. I looked and saw that I, Derek the Blueberry Chicken was quickly turning into Derek the blue Tomato Chicken! But I didn't have much time to worry about that because I was running late for night school.
Chapter 7 - Billie
After waling my Beavicorn, I prepared for another day of hard work, getting other people to have lustrous locks like me. I took a puff of vape, combed my hair, and got ready for a hard day of work. I left my apartment and arrived at the office. A lady at the office complimented me, "Oh, what dreadful hair that is!" she said.
I know she meant she liked it. "There's no point fussing," I replied.
I worked all day then stuffed some more work for home into my backpack, slipped on my earbuds and started for night school. My earbuds slipped out again. In frustration I tossed them into a fire pit I was passing on the street. Then I hopped on the bus.
At night school, I ran down the hall and into math. I sighed. Today was an algebra test.
Chapter 8 - Derek
I was sitting in math class, bored out of my mind as a blueberry, now tomato, chicken my constant wish was to eat blueberries and tomatoes. After school, I was planning on eating from other people's gardens. Yum! But for now, I was focused on the math problem on the board. I was dead. What do I do? Suddenly Billie walked by the window. Her soft red, long hair bounced on her head. I tried to get her to notice me but she never, ever did.
Chapter 9 - Derek
My life is HARD. I see Billie's beautiful hair, I fall in love with her and she doesn't love me back. Oh Billie, love me! When I see you I want to die!
Billie looked at me. She proudly showed off her hair and smiled. I ran up to her.
"Eww! Get away from me!" she screamed, pushing me away.
Embarrassed I run out of the building and slammed into the giant baby who has been released from time out for good behavior. It was drooling all over the street. Ewww. I climbed over it and slowly walked slowly, thinking of Billie.
I mean look at her hair! Awesome. I have too many blueberries on me to have anything but blue feathers. No red hair! There was a shop up the street that said it could die hair. I didn't have hair but maybe they can do something. I walked in.
"NO BLUEBERRY CHICKENS! they shouted. I slumped out of the place, sad.
Chapter 10 - Derek
I remember the first time I saw Billie. One day I was wandering around the farm when I saw the most beautiful girl. Billie. Her long red hair shone in the sun. I fell in LOVE. I waked up to her and I farted. She didn't seem to notice.
Maybe I needed a love doctor. I set out to find one. Luckily there was one who had an office nearby.
He said, "What's wrong, Derek?"
"Billie won't notice me," I said, lonely.
"Well, you have to do something about it," he said.
"Isn't that your job?" I asked.
"Nope," he answered. "I just listen to you."
So I left, no further ahead. Maybe if I eat something then maybe Billie would notice me, especially if I give her some.
Chapter 11 - Derek
I hate germs. I once ate a germ it tasted like like stir fry, like over salted fish. I should have made it differently but I ate it anyways. Maybe I should give Billie a germ. She'd think I am funny and maybe she would hang out with me. Or I could give her that giant baby that was wandering the streets. Oh! What was I even saying?
Oh! There was Billie now. I could see her curly red hair. I wish she would come to me and say, "I just want to be friends." But it doesn't happen. I went to the store to buy some hair dye that matches her hair colour. I would dye my feathers. Then, only then, will she love me!
Chapter 12 - Derek
Billie wanted people to have red curly hair. I knew this but, of course, I am a blueberry chicken. How could I possibly have red curly hair? I need red curly hair for Billie to notice me. So I took my hair dye to the hair dresser at the Sassy Salon. Billie was there. A man was kissing her. He looked like some kind of sassy Hitler. It was clear. I had to kill him. But my stomach was starting to burst and I realized I had eaten too much blueberry pie earlier. So I ran to the bathroom and had explosive diarrhea. It exploded all over the bathroom. I was so embarrassed! I opened the door and ran home and sat on the couch thinking about what just happened.
Chapter 13 - Derek
The next day I had to go to the store. I was walking through the store looking for food when I saw her, Billie! She had beautiful curly red hair, but when I tried to talk to her, she pushed me away. I felt so upset! My eyes were watering, filling with tears. All I want is for Billie to notice me!
I had an idea! I would hold my breath until she noticed me.
When she looked my way, I held my breath. I held it so long I forgot how to breathe. A clerk knocked into me and made me breathe again. What if I had died?!
Chapter 14 - Derek
I was out in my tomato patch, picking tomatoes the next day when I saw the lovely Billie forcing people to dye their hair. She looked so beautiful as she abused people, but I still didn't know how to get her attention. I was thinking of trying to dye my hair red again - I still had that hair dye - but it seemed everyone was doing that now. So I thought and I thought some more. I was trying to figure out what colour I could dye myself to get her attention. Then a hippy walked by with purple hair. As he walked by Billie, she tried to berate him into dying his hair red, and I knew what I had to do!
I went into the house and died my feathers a brilliant black and green. The next day I woke up almost sick with anticipation. As I walked out to my tomato patch Billie saw me and screamed, "CHICKEN!"
"Finally," I thought, "she saw me!"
Billie grabbed me by the feet and dunked me into a vat of red hair dye. When I emerged, I was a bright crimson. I told her I would gladly help her sell her dye. She accepted!
She and I had so many adventures transforming the world into a world of red hair. But those are other stories for other times.